Likely letters?

<p>What time approximately do they come out for early response? is it like mid-December? gahhh really hope i get one, i don't think i can wait till January!!! (haha and yes i know apps just went in, so there's a long wait ahead.)</p>

<p>Remember, likely letters don't necessarily mean your going to get accepted. Also, if you don't get one, it really doesn't matter.</p>

<p>What are likely letters?</p>

<p>I remember receiving one in late November or early to mid December. They send them out in batches though, so if people on the board start talking about receiving letters, you might get one a week or so later in a second grouping, or not at all. The vast majority of students who get in to UNC never get such a letter, and while I have never heard of a student receiving a letter being denied admission (provided they don't flunk out of a class, get arrested, etc.), it's also not a guarantee.</p>

<p>I know this is an exciting time, but you try not to worry about them too much. You either get one or you don't... regardless, go out and enjoy senior year.</p>

<p>Again. What are likely letters?
I am an OOS so I'm confused here.</p>

<p>alright thanks!</p>

<p>yeah i know they're not the same thing as an admission, and i know not everyone will get'd just make the wait till 1/15 a lot more bearable. so i can hope lol :)</p>

<p>oh and likely letters are letters that they send you that basically say something to the meaning of, "your app looks really good and it's likely you'll be accepted."</p>

<p>ok thanks. That's what I figured but didn't want to assume.</p>

<p>Do OOS students get likely letters?</p>

<p>yes i got one last year and i was oos</p>

<p>I knew someone last year who said she got a likely letter, and then was rejected. I didn’t get a likely letter, and was accepted. Just emphasizing what others have said. :shrug:</p>

<p>I received one right after Thanksgiving. Not a big deal but it did make the waiting a little more bearable. Really worth the wait though. It is an incredible school academically and socially.</p>

<p>I just wanted to emphasize what snoz said – I know the wait is hard, and the stress and odds of it all can be a lot, but Chapel Hill is totally worth everything.</p>

<p>I am sitting here in my dorm’s study lounge, it’s 2:05 AM, I’m running on minimal sleep with a paper due soon, and I absolutely love it here. Trust me, college is totally what you make of it… but being Carolina makes it very easy to make your university experience wonderful. Good luck to all, don’t stress too much.</p>