<p>I keep hearing about these but they're so confusing! Does Penn send them??</p>
<p>likely letters are the ivy league’s way of telling athletes that they are basically accepted, in order to keep up with other schools who can give exploding letter of intent offers to athletes. in other words, it tells athletes that they will be accepted to the school come the notification date (mid december for early or march 31 for regular), so that the athlete wont commit to another school earlier. some of the ivys, like harvar, dartmouth, yale, and colombia, also send a small portion of their likely letters to non-athletes who are top candidates that they think will be accepted into many competing institutions, in order to give these applicants more time to consider their school. from what i can find on these forums, though, penn sends likely letters only to athletes, but im not entirely sure. hope this helps!</p>
<p>I was discussing the likely letters with my Alumni Interviewer and she said to the best of her knowledge that Penn doesn’t send out likely letters based on academics.</p>
<p>Hey does Penn send out likely rejection letters, because I am expecting one in the mail any day now lol jk…</p>