LIU Global College?

I am 2 days away from the end of my junior year in highschool so naturally I am looking at colleges. I live in California so I have spent highschool preparing to go to a UC, though i recently just heared about Long Island University’s Global College program. This is where, through LIU, you study in around 6 different countries and graduate with a B.A. In Global Studies at the end of 4 years. I am sooo interested in this program as I adore traveling and learning foreign langauges. I was planning on majoring in either political science or international relations at a UC, but the LIU Global Studies major combines both of these, plus you get actual real world experience instead of sitting in a dorm or the library all year. After college I plan to go to law school for humanitarian law, but aftering seeing how close LIUGC is with the UN, working for the UN would be incredible. However, i have to questions:

  1. What are my chances of getting into LIU Global College? As I said, I have been preparing to go to a UC so Im taking 8+ AP classes, plan to have a 3.7-3.9 accumulative GPA, and i plan to have around a 1300 SAT score (on the new scale). I do have 50 volunteer hours but its from doing small stuff like volunteering at the library. I did cross country but had to quit due to a hip fracture. I also have a job working at the grocery store on the military base. I co founded and am the vice president of the photography club, I am in French Honors Society, and I am very invested in a club called Model United Nations for which I am currently running for treasurer. I lived in Japan as a kid and I am going to Costa Rica next summer with my photography class. I hosted a German exchange student, and plan to host a French student senior year. Would these qualifications give me a chance at getting into the LIU Global College program?
  1. I did the LIUGC tuition calculator and tuition came out to be about $2100 a month after scholarships and fafsa etc. This is sort of alot as I just live with my single mother. I have already accepted student loans (if you think about it, its a good deal considering how mich traveling ill be doing). But how do I pay this? Credit cards? Any advice is much appreciated.

I know this is alot of specific information but if any one could weigh in id be very thankful :slight_smile:

Liu is a very low level college and their financial aid is lousy.
If you’re interested in this type of education, what about Minerva?
If you want great study abroad program and strong foreign language, based on your stats apply to Middlebury (high reach unless your scores improve), Dickinson and St Olaf.

I remember when I first received an “LIU Global” pamphlet. It seemed like an absolute dream! I later found out it was sticker priced at $61,000 per year, with an net price over twice my income.

LIU’s have very low graduation rates, 22% and 7%. The 75th percentile GPA is a 3.3. They truly are low level schools, I’m not sure how they get away with what they charge.

You can do much better than LIU with a 3.7. If you raise your scores you’ll have top options.

$2100 on a credit card every month, for LIU? Please, no, just no.