ARe you in school now? Are you both going to be juniors when you start at the new college and living together?
Some of the cons. If it is the first time living away from home for both of you, that’s a hard adjustment. If you’ve been living at home a lot of the conveniences are just THERE, and when you are living on your own you have to get used to going to the grocery store, doing the chores, cleaning up, arguing about cleaning up. Most people get that experience living in a dorm where you empty your own trash, but meals are prepared, halls and bathrooms are cleaned, etc. In the dorm you learn to live with noise, with slobs, with idiots - and at the end of the year you can walk away. You don’t want to walk away from your BF. You don’t want to get really mad at him for using the last of the milk. You’ll have to learn to pay the bills together, etc.
Another con may be what you may be giving up - study abroad, joining a sorority, going on spring break with your housemates or dormmates. When you are living with someone, you’re less likely to say “I’m going to Miami for the weekend.”
Pros? You know you’ll like your roommate.