Moving in with boyfriend

I will be starting college soon and I’m considering moving in with my boyfriend and long time friend. If I could afford to dorm on campus this would not be on my mind, alas, I can’t afford to dorm. My boyfriend is also in the same boat as he can’t afford to dorm. He was going to live with his parents but they’re moving far away and he commute would be really long.

Staying at home for me is not desirable because I have been kicked out too many times during high school to be comfortable. Also, once I turn 18, the police can’t make my mom let me back in. Plus, we don’t get along, even when I avoid her. This is not something I want to deal with during college.

That brings me to moving in with my boyfriend. I’m hesitant because I don’t want to ruin out relationship and I know that it could end while we’re living together. We agree that financially and mentally it’d be easier on us but it is a big commitment for young adults to make. I’m not worried about the taking care of myself, I already support myself and sometimes my mom and siblings. I just don’t want to jeopardize out relationship/friendship. Yet, moving in would solve the other problems.

Sorry this is so long. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks!