Living in The Hub


Has anyone lived in the “Hub” apartment building in Madison and maybe tell me a little about what it was like?

Thank you!

@exchangebadger –– visited some friends there. It’s collegiate chic. Has amenities but comes with a price. The one gripe some had – at least those having to foot the bill and not the parents – was the per person $125(?) non-refundable app fee. Don’t get in you don’t get your money back they say, and it’s as competitive a place to get admitted to as UW itself. Reviews seem uneven. There are several comparable places so check them all out.

Just remember if you live like this in college enjoy it because you might be living in a 200 sq foot 4th floor walkup without A/C if you spend too much time hanging by the pool. Of course, that may be your early career life regardless.

My kid knew had some friends living in the Hub – great location, right on State St. Lots of amenities, very social. If the timing and price works out for you for your exchange program, should be a fun place to live.