Exchange Student Living

Hi everyone!

I posted a thread about a week ago about private residence halls-thank you to all who responded. Now I’m in more of a pickle than I imagined. I had settled on living @ Lucky which seemed nice and social and the 9 month lease is obviously super convenient. As it turns out however, all dorms there a full so I am getting quite anxious. I know I’m late to the whole looking for a place to live thing for this fall but we were only told a week ago that we wouldn’t be able to live in dorms.
I really really don’t want to live in a private apartment, especially as I won’t be in Madison to view it so that seems unsafe.
Any suggestions? I’ve heard about statesider (almost 12k a year for a shared room seems ridiculous), Pres house (I’m not religious) and towers on state (thats just an apartment building if I’m not mistaken).

Does anybody have any advice? I really don’t know what to do and feel like we really got thrown under the bus here.

Thank you so much!

You don’t have to be religious to live in Pres house which is newer and in a great location.

But i feel like most people there would be religious and we’de be very different people. Am i totally wrong about that? How strong is the religious/church feeling there?

"Do I need to be religious or a member of Pres House Church to live at Pres House Apartments?

No. Not only do you NOT need to be a member of Pres House Church to live at Pres House Apartments, you do not need to have any religious affiliation. We are open to residents of any religious background (or none at all)."

I dont know how strong the feeling is and I assume it can vary.

Here’s a blog post - she doesn’t mention religion at all.