<p>I want to attend UT Austin in Fall of 2009 most likely. I will be a transfer student so I won't know my decision until probably May. So can anyone just list some apartments near campus? I'm willing to spend up to $700-$900 for a decent one bedroom. I don't want to live far my first year. Also I would prefer living by myself since I don't know anyone in Austin. I am planning on visiting austin in maybe in 2 weeks and I wanted to check out and start looking now.</p>
<p>By near, do you mean like 1-2 miles or like 5-10 miles from campus?</p>
<p>Anywho, I’m also planning on transferring to UT in the Fall of 2009 and whenever I ask my friends for advice on where to live, I get mixed results. Some say Place A is cool, while others say Place A sucks. Basically, it seems like the only places that are deemed universally acceptable by my friends are the expensive places.</p>
<p>ya i mean 1-2 miles.</p>
<p>I am paying around 900 for a place as far you can possibly get in west campus away from campus. I like it a lot since I have no bills, but the distance to campus would be pretty bad if I didn’t have a bike. Just approach an apartment locater, and see if they can take you a few places.</p>
<p>You may also check the UT website at: [Around</a> Austin - Accommodations and Housing](<a href=“http://www.utexas.edu/austin/housing.html]Around”>http://www.utexas.edu/austin/housing.html) for additional housing ideas.</p>
<p>whats the name of the place that you live at? i might check that place out and see if i can get that kind of a deal.</p>
<p>West 24th Street Apts… its at Lamar and 24th. It’s not like the high rise apartments, but its quiet and everybody is pretty nice. Only downside, is as I said before, its kind of far in west campus. If you do end up signing a lease I would appreciate it if you put me down as a reference(pm me). </p>
<p>Although, be aware that the couple that owns the place are definitely sales people when people come to look at apartments. They had a mini-presentation when I came looking at apartments. Maybe call ahead?</p>
<p>[West</a> 24th Street Apts-Home](<a href=“http://www.west24thstreetapts.com/]West”>http://www.west24thstreetapts.com/)</p>
<p>oh ok so how about riding in the bus? how often do they run? and how long does it take in a bus?</p>
<p>The buses run pretty often, the big problem is the routes are pretty long and from here, they take forever. They run in a counter clockwise loop from here to campus, so they pick you up, take you from here to 21st, down 21st to the stadium, up San Jacinto then left at Dean Keaton to start it over again. All my classes are around Dean Keaton and San Jacinto, so it takes a while. And the West Campus Bus sits a stop on San Jacinto for ever. All in all, it is like only a few minutes more to walk, which is why biking or driving are the only option I really have, and since parking spots on campus are ridiculously expensive… it leaves with only one option.</p>