Location and internships

My daughter is interested in U of Rochester, but she’s worried about access to companies for internships because other schools she is looking at are in or near NYC, Boston or Philly. What are your thoughts and experiences? She plans on majoring in management with a marketing concentration and likely also a concentration in international business or analytics or Chinese Studies.

I realize at Rochester those aren’t actually majors but I copy and pasted from another post I made. But if anyone can answer about internship opportunities and limitations it would be great. Thanks.

Students can get internships just about anywhere…and not necessarily close to where their college is located. That is the same answer for all of the threads you have started with this same question.


I don’t think she will have any problem getting an internship if she attends U Rochester. It’s well respected and there are obviously many connections in NY State.


My daughter is supposed to tour Marist but she’s worried about access to companies for internships because other schools she is looking at are in or near NYC, Boston or Philly. What are your thoughts and experiences? She plans on majoring in management with a marketing concentration and likely also a concentration in international business or analytics or Chinese Studies.

This is not a problem. Marist isn’t far from NYC. Kids who attend colleges not in big cities can easily get internships, just as kids in cities do. Internships are not given out just by proximity to a city.

Marist will have a career center and is probably part of Handshake. She will need to avail herself of these resources in order to get a position, regardless of her location.

I know kids from Podunk U who got great internships and kids from HYP who worked at fast food restaurants. There is nothing wrong with working in fast food, btw.

It’s dependent on her effort.


For summer internships, the where doesn’t matter.

Kids intern all over. Today, kids apply for jobs not just through school but also through linkedin, indeed, and handshake - which is the school’s website.

Now marketing may be a little tougher of a major internship wise - but not impossible - so I wouldn’t pick a school based on finding internships.

While I don’t see their internship info, they have recent grads from 22 in marketing working in Northern California, Atlanta, Raleigh/ Durham the DC area, Philly, NY, and Rochester.

My kid (in Alabama) had internship offers in upstate NY, the Carolinas, etc and didn’t try hard - and his work offers were even more varied.

Find the right school - and if she has grit and determination, she’ll be fine - assuming the economy is still good.

Best of luck.

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Many Marist students end up in NYC for their internships and first post college job. Marist has offices in Manhattan where they run programming for business students, as well as a place to interview. They also offer a semester in Manhattan for students interested in fashion and media careers.

I am sure Rochester students intern and work in NYC too. What would your daughter major in at Rochester as it doesn’t offer traditional undergrad business majors?

They have business and then she would choose a marketing major.

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