Looking for schedule input

<p>So, I very recently got pulled off of the CBHP wait list (YAY!!!), but it was after I’d already signed up for all my classes, and ever since adding CBH 101, looking at my schedule has made me feel a little stressed. I’m a ChemE pre-med, and everything I’m taking other than CBH is what’s on the flow chart.</p>

<p>So I have:
MATH 125 MTWR 10-10:50 AM (Paul J. Allen)</p>

<p>CH 117 MWF 11-11:50 AM + R 2:30-3:50 (David Dixon)
lab M 2-4:50 PM</p>

<p>CBH 101 MWF 12-12:50 + M 6-6:50</p>

<p>ENGR 131 T 12-2:50 PM </p>

<p>CHE 125 T 3-3:50 PM (Brazel)</p>

<p>ENGR 111 W 1-1:50 PM </p>

<p>ENGR 151 R 12:30-1:45 PM (Graham)</p>

<p>So that’s 16 credit hours. I wish I could lighten my load a teeny bit, but I don’t know what I can do. I temporarily dropped honors chemistry to a regular chemistry class, but I didn’t like my schedule like that, and a spot opened back up in honors chem, so I switched back. I’m not sure what my chances of getting back into regular chemistry are, but if a spot opens up that works in my schedule, should I take it? Would this really make much difference in my work load?</p>

<p>And my next question is this: Should I drop ENGR 131 and try to take ENGR 142 during the spring semester? I emailed the engineering department to see if I could do that, and they said it’s allowed, but I’m worried that I won’t be able to actually work ENGR 142 into my schedule at that point, and then I’ll be behind.</p>

<p>Any advice or reassurances would be greatly appreciated! :)</p>

<p>Don’t know the answer to your question. Try looking at how many sections of ENGR 142 they offered “last spring semester”. Might give you an idea if the course typically offers several sections.</p>

<p>ENGR 111 and 151 are not too difficult, according to my D.</p>

<p>Wanted to say Congratulations for getting into CBHP! </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I’m in your math class! And I have heard (I’m a sophomore) from friends who took honors chem last year that it is very calculus-heavy, so if this is your first time seeing calculus concepts it might be difficult for you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the congratulations, Cuttlefish! And I took your advice and checked how many sections of ENGR 142 were offered last spring, and it was only one, so I probably shouldn’t count on being able to take it.</p>

<p>zgrace, thanks for the warning! Luckily I did take AP Calculus this last year and did fairly well (didn’t take the exam, so I don’t have credit for it), so if that is the worst that can be said about honors chem, I think I’ll be alright. See you in calculus! :)</p>

<p>Also, maybe I should mention that I took AP Chemistry, and got a 5 on the exam, so most of the topics shouldn’t be <em>entirely</em> new to me. But I’m still expecting this to be a much higher level.</p>

<p>You should do very well in Calculus 1 since you took the AP class. Same with Chemistry.</p>

<p>Good luck to you. RTR!!</p>

<p>Since you took AP Cal and AP Chem, then you should do fine in Honors Chem and the rest of your schedule.</p>

<p>However, stay on track. Don’t let yourself get behind. </p>

<p>Congrats on getting into CBH. </p>

<p>Don’t be afraid to use the CBH lab as a “go to” place to study/do homework, etc during the day. My older son spent much of his non-class time in that lab doing homework, but also getting to know the other CBHers.</p>

<p>Tip…be sure to never leave a mess in the CBH lab. Mrs. B is like a second mom on campus and she’s not afraid to send emails out that expect messy students to return and clean up whatever they left.</p>

<p>Should I be concerned about my son taking Honors Calc 1 having never taken calculus?</p>

<p>Hey Ineedamascot! Congrats on CBH! We’re in the same section, so I’ll be seeing you soon! :)</p>

<p>Actually, a good portion of our schedules match each other. I’m ChemE and considering pre-med. I have a total of 18 hours with Honors Year One and Alabama Action, plus all of your classes. The one difference (other than class times) is that my high school didn’t offer AP Chem, so I am taking Honors Calculus (since I aced the AP) and standard Chem.</p>

<p>Guess we might get to know each other pretty well once fall rolls around. Check your PMs! ;)</p>

<p>Should I be concerned about my son taking Honors Calc 1 having never taken calculus?</p>

<p>Did he place into Calc? I thought that you had to have taken Calc in high school to take Calc at Bama…or did he place into it?</p>

<p>How strong a math student is your son? Who is his prof for Calc?</p>

<p>I would suggest that your son immediately sign up for math tutoring at the Tutoring center…I don’t know the new name…the old name was Center for Teaching and Learning.</p>

<p>He placed into Calc 1 with his ACT score of 35. Math is his strongest subject. Because of a change in schools - there was a bit of a glitch in terms of his math placement and he ended up in an accelerated math course in hs instead of the advanced math - thus never having the opportunity to take calculus. His prof is Lawrence Roberts.</p>

<p>Thanks, y’all! I’m feeling a lot better now! I was just sort of psyching myself out. </p>

<p>RTRMom, your son sounds like the kind of kid who doesn’t struggle with math, so I can’t imagine that honors calculus would be bad for him. He might benefit from the smaller class. Lawrence Roberts has good ratemyprofessor ratings (although they’re all for his Math 126). Obviously, I don’t have any first-hand experience, so I’m just sort of guessing. But I’d be surprised if <em>every</em> other kid in honors calculus has previous calculus experience.</p>

<p>Found this old syllabus online. Perhaps you could see what topics are covered in the book for Calculus 1 (non-honors).
<a href=“http://www.bama.ua.edu/~lproberts/125.Fall.2009.Syllabus.pdf[/url]”>http://www.bama.ua.edu/~lproberts/125.Fall.2009.Syllabus.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I have MATH 125 with you!</p>