Looking for specific liberal arts program

<p>I’m looking for interesting masters programs that have practical application in the job force. I have in mind in becoming a social worker, so I’m interested in a MSW. However, as a philosophy major (with a minor in social sciences [psychology, sociology, and political theory]) I have an urge to continue being in a theoretical environment until actually entering the work force. So, I’m interested in either entering a dual degree program that offers practicality-based and theory-based courses or an interesting single program that offers both.</p>

<p>I’m interested in rhetoric, sociology, anthropology, and similar discipline that deal with understanding people and understanding how to communicate with them. I’m particularly interested in getting a dual degree in rhetoric and something in the social sciences, although I think this would be difficult.</p>

<p>My grades aren't the best, consistently getting b's with a few a's, so my choices are limited.
Berkeley's Rhetoric program has a concentration option for critical social theory, but I doubt I'm eligible, but it is also the type of program I looking for.</p>

<p>Also, in saying that I want to become a social worker, I mean that this is the only program that I've found that allows me to help people directly. I would be interested in a different masters/career option as long as the work is essentially similar.</p>

<p>Why not get a dual master’s degree in Social Work and something else?</p>

<p>I don’t know which schools you are considering. My interests are also varied, and I am definitely considering dual degree options for my personal needs.</p>

<p>Well, the usual option I’ve seen is Social Work and Law. Even though law involves some practice in rhetoric, it’s not something I’m interested in. Another one I see often is MSW and MPH (Public Health), but again I want something that is more in tune with studying theories with various application, rather than learning something that is only applicable to a specific sector.</p>

<p>I’m considering any school that I have a chance at getting in. Preferably in North America.</p>

<p>Well, I’m considering Social Work and Information (think liberal arts + computers lol). </p>

<p>I will use University of Michigan as an example because it’s the place I’m most familiar with.</p>

<p>The Social Work school offers the following formal dual degree programs:
* Social Work and Business Administration
* Social Work and Information
* Social Work and Law
* Social Work and Public Health
* Social Work and Public Policy (Student-Initiated)
* Social Work and Urban Planning (Student-Initiated)
* Student-Initiated Combined Master’s Programs with Social Work and Other Units</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/curriculum/dualdegree.html[/url]”>http://www.ssw.umich.edu/programs/msw/curriculum/dualdegree.html&lt;/a&gt;
Many students also choose another master’s degree in sociology, education, Asian studies, etc. (student-initiated program). Look for schools that offer that kind of flexibility. I know Columbia and Penn also have strong dual degree programs.</p>

<p>Any more suggestions?</p>

<p>You might check into a master’s in urban planning. I graduated from Rutger’s and it was a nice mix of theoretical and practical. Plus there were lots of opportunities for internships during the school year and summer.</p>

<p>I was browsing around websites to see related degree and I found out about Masters of Art in Liberal Studies. The focus of these degrees vary school by school, but they generally offer flexible schedule that would allow me to choose what I’m interested in. The problem I’m having is that this degree doesn’t seem to lead to one specific job.</p>

<p>With a Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS or MLS) how hard would it be to get involved in a job that focuses on social welfare or something along those lines? This is assuming that the liberal studies program I choose allows for a focus on sociology and relevant fields.</p>

<p>If you want a social welfare job, get a Master of Social Work. You need an MSW to be licensed in human services-related careers.</p>

<p>Social work encompasses the social sciences and applies the theories into direct practice.</p>

<p>A list of schools that offer the Liberal Studies degree:</p>

<p>[AGLSP-Current</a> Members](<a href=“http://www.aglsp.org/current-1.html]AGLSP-Current”>http://www.aglsp.org/current-1.html)</p>

<p>MALS and MLS degrees are almost always a terrible idea. They usually border on “open admission,” are most often completely unfunded, and are not helpful in qualifying a student for admission to a PhD program in any field because they do not focus on any one field.</p>

<p>These programs are generally “cash cows” for the university, and money pits for the uninformed students who enroll.</p>

<p>A person wishing to enter the field of social work would not be wise to pursue an MLS. The MSW is necessary.</p>

<p>That’s why I’m planning to pursue professional degrees at the master’s level. The funding may not always be great, but the opportunity costs are much better (a career at the end of the tunnel).</p>

<p>So if MSW/MPH is the degree(s) that fit my want, what can I do to prepare my application to better my odds at getting into a good program?</p>

<p>U. of South Florida has a MSW/MPH dual degree program with a focus on clinical work and they advice at least 1 year in a related job. But I don’t have any formal training in any of this. Also, is it possible to find a position in this area and still go to school full time? I have a year left in college, if all goes well.</p>

<p>After you gradutate from college, do you have the option to work for a year in a field related to those degrees? Only pursue degrees that interest you.</p>


<p>I have had a number of (five I can think of offhand) undergraduate students with humanities majors who have gone into the field of social work by getting a job in a social work field directly after graduation. Generally, they work in these jobs for two or three years, and then go on to the MSW, or to a dual MSW/MPP (usually) degree program.</p>

<p>For MSW admissions, experience prior to graduate work is highly desirable.</p>

<p>Bogie, I’m a philosophy major turned MSW-student and can understand the dilemma. However, not all MSW programs are focused entirely on direct practice. Many MSW (Berkeley and UCLA come to mind) require courses in social theory, theories of human behavior, research, and a final research project. Additionally, a number of practice courses spent the majority of the time focusing on the theoretical frame. This is even more the case if you focus in a management concentration rather than a direct practice concentration. Only do this, however, if you definitely want to focus on social policy and theory rather than working directly with clients. Take a look carefully at program curriculum and talk to students to see if the program fits your interest.</p>

<p>I would also recommend taking a year or two off and working in the field (and also volunteering) before applying to MSW programs. I gained a lot of experience and direction in what I wanted to do in the field, and I’m honestly not certain I would have been accepted into the program as an undergraduate philosophy major (when most of my classmates were social science majors with more background) without my work experience. If you’re not about about to graduate you can also look into internships in the field.</p>