<p>You are in a freshman in high school. You know absolutely know nothing about high school and like to deny all the bad stuff you heard about it. You fall in love with an upperclassman that is way too old to you. Well, maybe not 10 years from now, but at this age, yes, he is too old for you. He's an exchange student from Germany. He has so much awe that you fell in love with him the first time you looked at him. These kind of situations are not unfamiliar. You fell in love with one or two upperclassmen last year and even though, they told they didn't love you, but they really, really liked you as a friend. You're good friends with these two boys, but how about this German exchange student? How about this guy doesn't love you at all? How about this student that flirts with other girls and obviously, likes them? How about the love life that hasn't even sparked yet? </p>
<p>You never had a boyfriend or a boy that loved you. That's a L for you.</p>