<p>i was looking on Collegeboard.com and on the ACT section it said that the middle 50% of ACT scores were between 28-32. Im kind of suprised i would expect it be way higher like 32-25. Rice , who is ranked lower than Cornell and it's not an Ivy League, has a 29-34 middle 50% ACT score...</p>
<p>it has nothing to do with the caliber of our students.</p>
<p>rice is in the south, and thus gets a higher percentage of southern students.</p>
<p>students from the south also have a higher incidence of taking the ACT, whereas people from the northeast tend to take the SAT.</p>
<p>it’s simply what standardized test do most students take who apply to cornell.</p>
<p>oh okay i was just wondering cause it seemed iffy to me but thanks!</p>
<p>Trust me those stats are several years old. I have a feeling the average is probobly gonna be more like a 31-32 this year which make me worried as I only have a 32 lol.</p>
<p>Does not explain the variation between Rice and Cornell stats. </p>
<p>The 28-32 ACT data is current for matriculating class of fall 2007 according to Cornell’s common data set. 21% of entering Frosh submitted ACT</p>
<p>No, I called admissions about this last year and they have not updated their ACT ranges because “so few people submit them.” The adcom told me the new range is closer to 31-34, which I believe is credible.</p>
<p>^^anything is possible, but 21% of entering frosh is 643 kids. </p>
<p><a href=“http://dpb.cornell.edu/documents/1000395.pdf[/url]”>http://dpb.cornell.edu/documents/1000395.pdf</a></p>
<p>btw: Both Dartmouth’s and Duke’s a 25th % is 29 on the ACT, so it’s unlikely that Cornell’s is higher. Note, both D’s have a 1350 SAT 25th %, in contrast to Cornell’s 1290.</p>