Low enrollment/class canceled

<p>It is possible for a class to get canceled due to low enrollment? I am currently enrolled in a class that has 23 out of 30 available spots. Just wondering if I should start looking for something to replace it.</p>


<p>Oh, that isn’t low. I would be shocked, shocked I say, if they cancelled because of that. 2-3 maybe, but not 23.</p>

<p>And add-drop period hasnt even started. Sit tight-- should be fine</p>


<p>I didn’t know how to read your post. Did you mean you have 23 sign ups for a class with 30 available spots, or 23 available spots left, and 7 sign ups?</p>

<p>Oh. You might be right parent. It is ambiguous. Still, I would be surprised of they canceled with 7.</p>