Low GPA decent SAT

Colgate (ED)
U of Maryland College Park</p>

<p>GPA 3.0 UW 3.6 W
Rank: 3rd Decile (top 30%)
SAT: Verbal - 650 Math - 800 Writing 660 (SAT II math IIC and Chem: didnt get scores yet)
Classes- Hardest school offers, will complete 6 AP, classes 5 of which i am taking this year...</p>

Varsity tennis (9-12)
Latin Club (9-11)(Secretary)
Band (9-12) (treasurer section leader)
Area Band, Region Band (9)
Jamaica Missions trip (going into 11th grade)
Hospital Volunteer (10th grade... about 100 hours)
Syracuse University summer college (got 6 credits, 2 classes... A's in both classes)
Youth Group (9-12)(Vice president 11, president 12)</p>

<p>For most colleges GPA trumps SAT score because it is a reflection of what you have actually done over 3/4 years of college where the SAT is based on a 3/4 hour exam</p>

<p>1450 math+verbal?
I wouldn't be concerned...Your prolly in at all but possibly Maryland and NYU</p>

<p>any other suggestions... bump</p>

<p>last bump..</p>

<p>I think you'll get into SU, Rutgers, BU, and Northeastern. NYU/Maryland aren't TOO far of reaches, and I'm not too familiar with Colgate or TCNJ</p>

<p>Colgate (ED) - big reach
NYU(CAS) - big reach
TCNJ - slight reach
Rutgers - safety
Syracuse - safety
BU - match
Northeastern - match
U of Maryland College Park - match</p>

<p>Holy Cross-very similar to Colgate,and both are rivals in Patriot League. Also HC has merit aid in Latin/Classics area.</p>

<p>Chances change? SAT II Scores in:
Math IIC: 750 Chem: 690</p>

<p>another school... bucknell and lehigh</p>

<p>750 math iic is pretty good...690 chem won't help you much (trust me, I'm in a similar circumstance with a 680 chem score as my 2nd SAT II)</p>

<p>lehigh- match
bucknell- slight reach
I would say bucknell as a match but your GPA is a bit low.</p>