Low GPA, Good Rank & SAT

<p>So I'm really worried about my GPA. My freshman year I did HORRIBLY, I'm talking 2.2-2.6. My academic gpa for 9-11 is about a 3.2uw/3.7w and 10-11 is about a 3.45uw/4.2w. I've taken 5 AP classes (my school only let's us take 1 AP Sophomore year), 3 Honors, and 2 college classes.</p>

<p>My SAT Score is a 2110 (2120 superscore). I am in the top 4-5% of my class and have good EC's/Leadership and Essays. Do you think I have a chance at USC, UCLA, or UCB? What about Duke, Tulane, or Northwestern? </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I’m in the same position as you, although my GPA is slightly better. My GPA will definitely be the downfall on my application. I’m not going to chance you because I find it rather silly. Just check the college’s website and look at their average GPA’s and test scores. Those numbers don’t mean you will get in or you won’t but they give you an idea of what the college usually tends to accept. Make sure to apply for some safety’s. Good luck, who know’s what will happen.</p>

<p>Thank you for your response. I will do that.</p>

<p>Yeah, you have a good chance of getting into all of those schools you listed. Apply.</p>