low sat 2 scores...what are my chances.

<p>hi there, i know a lot of other people have asked this before but ***...
so i got my dec sat subject scores today
lit - 620 (never studies lit. in my life.i have science subjects)
math 2 - 710
physics - 690</p>

<p>not too good i know.i was attending a Model UN and didnt sleep for 3 days when i gave it but screw that.anyway i got a 2050 on my sat 1 with a 1370 excluding writing, the breakdown was
C - 680
M - 690
W- 680</p>

<p>im an international student and am doing my alevels...my transcript isnt bad.i estimated my gpa to abt 3.5-3.7. got good recommendations and good extra curricular stuff...im applying to 4 ivy (princeton,cornell,dartmouth,columbia) and williams and vassar...
so how bad is it? have my chances been really badly affected? also, those colleges who only ask for 2 subjects, would they consider all 3 or the two best two? is sat 1 more important than sat 2 or are they equally important?</p>

<p>Careful......I can't say any%#@$^
I got Robert A. Mudell's recommendation and SAT1 2250 SAT2 2340 but received
deffffff from Brown....F***. So I think we are all in our dreams.
PS: Strong ECs, Strong Xp. But Asian never be believed</p>