<p>And i want to be a math major :/. I'm guessing it was just careless mistakes, but still.
My dream UC is irvine/davis. UC gpa= 3.67. ECs good, athletics etc</p>
<p>Here are the scores for the sat test I took 4 months before, which the UCs have seen as I sent it to them before
total score (june) :1870
680 reading
510 math (omg, what a fail)
680 writing</p>
<p>(I took a sat prep class,) but anyway I am taking sat II math and hopefully will get in 700s. Is that 670 a dealbreaker? I am an asian female btw and I live in california if that helps, i hear math admissions love girls...</p>
<p>Dealbreaker?? Not at all! Just make sure that you tie in why you want to be a math major in your personal statement. A 2210 is a great SAT score! Your GPA isn’t amazing, but if you took really challenging classes, it will make up for it.</p>
<p>As for challenging classes, I went above the A-G requirements (more years of math, science, etc) but unfortunately only took 1 ap european history (score of 3 on ap test) and honors french 4. I am currently taking ap calculus now as a senior and took this advanced functions analysis class between alg 2 and precalc.</p>
<p>I will make sure to put in why I want to be a math major in my essay then:)</p>
<p>a pretty under average GPA, but a pretty over average sat1. a 670 sat1 math won’t break anything. getting a high sat2 math would help you a lot by proving you are applying for a major you can succeed in.</p>