Low Sat (Waste of Time Applying to Selective Schools)

<p>Hi, I'm a rising female senior. I spent a lot of time on sat studying but was unable to reach my goal. Freshman Psat I got like a 138 (Raelly bad i know). Sophomore year I got a 177 through a lot of studying and lastly for the junior one I got a 186. For my first sat I received a 720 Cr, 560 M, 660 W (1940) On my second in June I got a 720 Cr, 590 M, 680 W (1990). I have a cumulative 3.83 gpa but it's an upward trend and obviously not as good as being consistent. Basically for each grade I received a 3.4958, 3.87ish, and a 4.1. My school does have a weighted 4.3 (but its kind of weird since honors is still given out for ppl with 3.5 gaps and that's the gpa required for national honor society.) I'm in national honor society, multicultural club, latin club, and I work part time answering phones. For summer activities, I've done a volunteer program involving kids, an intro to business program (3 credit cc course) and an intro to law course for 3 cred. For awards, I've gotten excellent effort for latin, honorable mention for scholastic writing awards, academic excellence (highest grade) in spanish, honorable mention (2nd highest grade) in algebra 2, bronze medal for spanish 1national exam, summa cum laude for both latin 1 and 3, maxima cum laude for latin 2. I'm taking subject tests in lit and us history in the fall (which I'm really nervous for). My college list includes a wide range of schools such as spelman, howard, st. Joseph's u, temple, west chester u of pa, u of miami, u of florida, fordham u, stanford, u of penn. Should I just eliminate some of the more selective schools? I just don't want to waste either mine or my parents money if its a waste of cash. </p>

<p>Sorry For Typos and Abbreviations I'm typing on a cracked screen </p>

<p>You are still a viable candidate. You may want to look at taking the ACT it may lead to higher scores. Of the schools on your list your a viable candidate for all of them w the exception of Stanford and Penn. It’s ok to have a couple of reaches you never know and I’m sure you will do some testing in the fall. The upward trend helps, do a great job on your app. Stanford will be a bigger reach than Penn. One negative May be looking at your list you’re probably from the Philly area. You may want to consider an elite school outside the area where you might be able to get a geographical bump. It will also help if you’re more interested in Liberal Arts, Humanities. </p>

<p>The only thing bringing you down is your math score and that can easily be boosted if you buy PwntheSAT math and practice practice practice for the rest of the summer. I say you should try the act and really work hard on practicing the math. You have the rest of the summer to study. You can be a viable candidate for all of your schools as long as you get your standardized test scores up. You already are a viable candidate and do have a chance at your selective schools you just need to write a great essay.</p>

<p>I say still apply and if you can retake the sat or try the act</p>

<p>Give it a try. Your superscore is over 2000. That’s a really good score and don’t sell yourself short. Nobody will ever see the PSAT and your SAT scores are consistent. Choose your SAT II exams very wisely so you know you can do over a 670 on them.</p>

<p>The Ivies are long shots for all applicants and some really good schools like Vanderbilt, JHU & Emory offer a greater shot at a little lower academic threshold. See where your profile looks like the middle 50%. That will help guide you too.</p>

<p>No… no… no… you are absolutely not wasting your time. See: <a href=“OFFICIAL 2016 African American Results Thread - #15 by Kali22 - African-American Students - College Confidential Forums”>OFFICIAL 2016 African American Results Thread - #15 by Kali22 - African-American Students - College Confidential Forums;

<p>Feel free to PM me if you have anymore questions. </p>

<p>but it is important to note this aspect of Kali22’s post “and recruited for Track and Field at Williams, UChicago and Emory”</p>

<p>Note that I was not recruited for any of the Ivies.</p>

<p>You look good for all of the schools, with the exception of the Ivies, where your chances may be lower. If you are going to major in a STEM, your math score may be problematic. However, if you are going to major is something definitely not STEM related, your math score may be less relevant. My D had a near perfect CR score and a Math score almost 150 points lower. Considering she was majoring in either the Classics or Literature, I guess they did not feel she needed to be a math wiz.</p>

<p>Go for it.</p>

<p>Penn gives you a boost if you are from within the city of Philly.</p>