Low Test Scorers

<p>So anyone with SAT II scores in the 600 ranges get in to Stanford here?</p>


<p>i had a 690 on US History and got in but it should also be noted that i had a 790 on math II and a 780 on bio. but one score wont kill you. theyre not even mandatory. i saw someone here who was admitted w/o sat iis.</p>

<p>I don’t think it matters if it isn’t one of your top two scores.</p>

<p>Or at least that’s what I hope.</p>

<p>I was the guy admitted without SAT iis…you do not have to worry too much about them unless you’re home-schooled.</p>

<p>edit: I also received 5’s on 6 ap exams though, so that might be a consideration as well…however, I still believe that test scores aren’t as big as everyone makes them out to be.</p>

<p>That’s good to know, thanks brendanaww.</p>

<p>i was wonderin if i could get into stanford with a sat score fo 2020
math- 750
i know the critical rea si not in their range and will be a major block for me.</p>

<p>anything’s possible but it really really depends on your extracurriculars…and GPA.</p>