Lower Division Written Expression

<p>Hi, I have to fulfill a written/oral expression for my college of AES so I have to do one course from: ENL3 UWP1, 18 19 101, UWP 104 ABCD or E
and then an additional course from above or: UWP 102, COM 1,2 3,4 NAS 5 OR CMN 1. But I took 2 AP English classes in high school and got 5’s on both. Is this requirement fulfilled/ partially fulfilled?</p>

<p>It should be partially fulfilled. I’m also in the college of AES (since my major is animal science), and it says the following on the requirement checklist for my major (and it should be the same for other majors in CAES):</p>

<p>ENGLISH - Choose ONE of following options:

  1. AFTER completing 70 units pass English Comp Exam
  2. Two courses from:
    ENL 3, UWP 1, 18, 19, 101, UWP 102A-G, 104A-F, NEM 150; OR
    One from the previous list AND one from:
    COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5, CMN 1
  3. Advanced Placement English score of 4 or 5 plus any course on above list
    EXCEPT UWP 1 or ENL 3