LS1 and 2 question.

<p>hello. im checking the class scheule and i don't know which professor to take for LS1 and 2.
LS1-Halpin or shipe/esdin LS2-simmons/cooper or phelan. All of the professor seems hard but which one would u recommend taking? thank you.</p>

<p>Phelan is really really good at lecturing, but his class is HARD.</p>

<p>darn.!! so do u recommend him? dump…</p>

he is the beeeeest<3</p>

<p>also, halpin is sorta a ditz</p>

<p>halpin is ok but she sometimes gives unclear definitions for some stuff.</p>

<p>like she did not properly define paraphyly and polyphyly at all and shes been giving us a hella lot of clicker questions on em, so theyre gonna probably be on the next midterm. wikipedia solves hopefully.</p>

<p>i took phelan for ls15. granted, it’s WAY easier than any of the biology majors’ ls series, but i absolutely loved that class. loved it. loved phelan. loved the book he wrote (mean genes, totally the most hilarious book that will ever be “required reading.” </p>

<p>in fact, i’m thinking of taking ls1 next quarter to see if life science is a field of study i’d like to pursue, thanks to ls15 and phelan (which is saying a lot, because i hated high school biology).</p>

<p>anyhow, case in point: phelan is the greatest.</p>

<p>you guys are simply saying phelan is the best and halpin is okay. how hard is the class?</p>

<p>Um…okay the deal with Phelan–in my friends and my opinion–is that you have to pretty much memorize EVERY word that comes out of his mouth to do well on the tests. He makes the lectures interesting, but it’s a hard class, no doubt.
It depends on what you’re looking for in a teacher. if you’re looking for someone easy, then no, I would in no way recommend Phelan; you’re going to have to put in a lot of work to do well. If however you want someone that won’t bore you to death, then yes he’s the teacher to take.</p>