Macbook or a Sony Vaio

<p>I have an excellent desktop that I love and plan to take to school with me. It has 4gb RAM, a 500GB HD and some really good graphics. It is Vista</p>

<p>I want to get a new laptop as well. I was thinking either the macbook or the vaio</p>

<p>I LOVE the macbook. I think it's really cool and stylish. I wonder if I will be able to save files from it to my pc</p>

<p>I think the vaio is okay, but it's not the macbook. I like both and will probably get the Vaio SR. I'm certain that I can save things to my pc easily.</p>

<p>Which one do you think is better for me as a college student?</p>

<p>both heavily overpriced.</p>

<p>and also, whats the brand of your desktop?</p>

<p>I have an HP as a desktop</p>

<p>I’m not concerned for their prices. I just want to know which one is best. BUT if you know of another one that is just as stylish for a cheaper price then lay it on me</p>

<p>macbook. Windows and Macs can read the same filetypes, except for a few like .pages, .exe, .dmg.</p>

<p>It just depends on which OS you like better. I personally prefer Windows over OSX and would buy the Sony one. But if you want OSX too, go with the macbook. You can dualboot between Windows and OSX on the macbook.</p>

<p>uhm…first off why do you want to buy the sony vaio, besides style</p>

<p>I think that all computers are virtually the same or at least can be configured to be the same which is why I go for style. I like sleek laptops that are thin and dont look bulky. I love how the macbook is completely flat unlike most laptops that have slopes. I am wonder though that since I already have a pc, would it be better to get anothers windows</p>

<p>try out mac os and see if you like it, its quite different</p>

<p>if not, get something else</p>

<p>in 2009 sony is coming out with a laptop that is supposed to be the macbook’s greatest competitor, but nobody has seen it yet.</p>

<p>i’d say sony but also look at some others like the dell xps or toshiba</p>

<p>Buying into a Mac is buying into a different philosophy from the Windows computer. Be sure you’re interested in that. While the days of the “overpriced” Mac seem to be slowly fading, the Macbook is not the cheapest of the “mid-range” laptops, but it is pretty feature rich for its price.</p>

<p>If you are concerned with hardware specs more than the computing experience, get a Windows-based computer. Hardware specs are a legitimate concern, and you will not be as well met with a Mac in most cases.</p>

<p>I’m not going to promote one over the other. Up until this past year, we’ve always had Windows operating computers. We still have one which we use as the “house” computer. This summer, I bought my first Macbook. I cursed it for a few weeks because I was so used to the windows having used nothing else before. After the initial “switch over” phase, I haven’t looked back. My younger son decided that he too wanted a Macbook to start off with in college. He just finished his 1st semester and hasn’t had any issues at all with his Mac at school. He did find out that one of his classes for the Spring semester requires Windows. He had to buy a copy of windows (bought Vista Ultimate 32 bit) which wasn’t cheap. He installed it on his Macbook via Bootcamp and the process was as easy as installing any other program. Just as the commercial says regarding Mac–It just works. The nice thing is the customer service. Today, son noticed that the little light on the power adapter wasn’t staying lit. It seemed to be working fine but the light would randomly go off. Because he’ll be going back to college soon, he wanted to make sure this wasn’t a serious issue. He called Apple (we bought the applecare warranty). Yes, they spoke American English. Yes, they were friendly and no, he did not have to wait on hold for 30 min. (maybe for 2 min. top). Because the nearest Apple Store is a 1 1/4 hr. drive away, customer service decided to express ship him a new power adapter to insure that he doesn’t have any further issues with the adapter. No cost.<br>
Make sure you choose the laptop and OS that will suit your specific college needs. Check the specific college website for the configurations that they recommend. For a windows based machine, I would consider Lenovo–they’re built like tanks and customer service is rated high. Otherwise, get a regular Macbook (no need for the Pro).–make sure you buy Mac version of Microsoft Student Office if you go this route.</p>

<p>Get the Mac. You don’t need to worry as much about hardware specs because you already have a sick desktop. Just get the Macbook, or, if you want to be a true baller, a MacBook Air. You’ll love OS X after like a day, the Mac looks better, and all of your files will be compatible (just get the Mac version of Office).</p>

<p>You can use Microsoft Live Sync, a free software from microsoft which works on both macs and PCs. It lets you automatically sync folders across different computers using the internet. That way, you’ll always be up to date with files on any computer no matter which one you used to actually change the file last.</p>

<p>You guys keep going on and on about how a computer looks as if that has anything to do with anything. Stylish boxes are for lightweights and posers. Get a computer that can comfortably do what you need to get done the least amount of money.</p>


<p>Design matters. For one, the physical design philosophy has an effect on the ease of use and how you interact with the machine. Sure, the “prettiness” is secondary, but wanting what you spend money on to not look like a 1970s Ford Crapomatic doesn’t make you a poseur. </p>

<p>I know plenty of pretty techy people who are interested in stylishness. Some of us even date. :O</p>

<p>Well as the OP, I am really more concerned about the style and the look of the computer. I mean, would you rather have a Bentley or a BMW?</p>

<p>Personally? The BMW. Better bang for the buck, and I prefer the styling. I find Bentleys a bit too boxy for my taste.</p>

<p>Dunno if that’s the answer you were looking for, though…</p>

<p>“how you interact with the machine”</p>


<p>That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in awhile, thanks. You might ogle over a computer that is styled nicely for the first few days, but after the effect wears off you realize that it’s just a computer.</p>

<p>Get the cheapest computer that can do what you require and save a ton of money. Macbooks are heavily overpriced and are not worth it, no matter what the terrible fanbase says.</p>

<p>haha, as I sit here looking at my toyota camry, I can’t help but think I’m a little out of my league.</p>