Major Change?

<p>I applied a bit late and their were no more room in the petroleum engineering department.I was accepted at the civil engineering department. I hear the freshman classes are the same.Is their anyway i can change from civil to petroleum after one semester if i get good grades?ARE THE ENGR 111/112 TRACKS DIFFERENT? I really want to change pls let me know if its posible thank you.</p>

<p>For ENGR 111/112’ the sections for Chem Eng and Pet were the same. However, the courses are considered equivalent. You might have to wait two semesters to switch. E-mail an advisor to be sure. DS is in CHEN. Make friends with your advisor. Rules can change.
Get good grades and switching wont be a problem.</p>

<p>No worries about the ENGR 111/112 stuff. Just wait a semester or two, make the grades, and you will be just fine for transfer.</p>

<p>why shouldnt i worry about the engr 111/112 stuff? wont i have to take it over if civil and petroleum is not the same?</p>

<p>If you are worried, check with your advisor.</p>

<p>I am fairly confident you will not have any issues. The differences are minimal. Ask your advisor for clarification.</p>