Major Mistake on My UC Application?

Hi CC,

While filling out the application a few months ago, when I got to the section where we’re supposed to specify the grading system, I picked 0-100 (U.S.). My school uses letter grades, A B C D F. The reason why I picked 0-100 was because of the (U.S.) behind the 0-100. I thought we’re supposed to convert our letter grades into 0-100 because it was the official grading system in the U.S… With my transcript in hand, I did a rough conversion and tried to recall my grades. Will they revoke my application? I already sent them an email. Should I just give them a call instead?

I don’t think they’d revoke the application, that’s a bit drastic for a simple mistake.
Give them a call so that you can have some peace of mind.

I don’t believe that’s a major mistake, so your application shouldn’t be revoked. You can call or email the UC help center and find out what to do next.

It won’t be a problem. Try not to overthink it.

They may have already made admission decision by now. It would not hurt to call them and explain.