<p>I am planning to transfer from a CCC to UCSB this fall for computer science. I had it planned so I had all of the prerequisites done when I transferred. However, I learned today that my Data Structures class was canceled at my local CC due to there only being 5 people in the class. There is another CC 20 minutes away but they do not offer this course.</p>
<p>On Assist it says</p>
<p>"Applicants to the Computer Science, B.S. must complete the equivalent of the<br>
following **required **UCSB base preparation courses."</p>
<p>The Data Structures class that was canceled was one of those "required" classes. What are my options? Am I screwed? From what it says on Assist I will not be admitted unless I have this class.</p>
<p>I would suggest trying to take the class online or something from any cc possible during spring. I do not think engineering schools are very lenient when it comes to finishing the required base prep. On the other hand though I have a friend at UCSD in comp sci and he was able to postpone the last math class, which is a base prep course, until after he transfered.</p>
<p>I agree, even if you have to drive 40 minutes, its just one class. why risk not getting into a school simply because of one pre-req especially when the school states “Applicants to the Computer Science, B.S. must complete the equivalent of the
following required UCSB base preparation courses.”</p>
<p>Hmm… I was in the same situation, one of my major prereqs was canceled while all the other schools around me had their version of the class filled up. What I was told to do was just note it on my status update… College admission officers are human too. I’m sure they’ll realize that it wasn’t your fault.</p>
<p>^^ were you applying to engineering though? The engineering schools are usually unique in that they state the prereqs are required, not just heavily recommended. Even for some of the most competitive majors like bus econ at ucla where you know you won’t get in if you don’t have all your prereq’s completed, the school still only states “ALL preparatory courses should be completed…” rather than “these courses are REQUIRED”</p>
<p>Well I talked to my counselor today. Unfortunately no other CC within 60 miles offers the class. It sounds like it is not something that I can take online as the class has a lab portion attached to it.</p>
<p>She told me that my CC would write a letter to the schools I applied to and state that the class was canceled and it was out of my control. However, my counselor said that I still might not be admitted to any schools without the class.</p>
<p>3 years of school only to be denied because my school canceled 1 class. ****ty hua?</p>
<p>^It’s different for political science, where you’re not required to complete any lower division major prerequisites. I only finished 2 out of the 4 and still completed the TAG with no problem.</p>