Hi! I am wanting to get into the business field and plan to major in business management with a concentration in marketing and minor in finance. My question is will I always have career? Will I make a decent salary? I took so many business classes in high school that I was considered concentrated in business and had to take a test and passed easily. I don’t mind the math, but I’m not a fan of it. I’ll just work harder at it. Thanks!
Just linking the below 2 threads on marketing which might be of help. In short, career progression and longevity isn’t based on what career you choose. A decent salary is relative to the industry, location, and your personal goals.
Helping a company bring in money is always on the “critical path” and seen as important. If you are passionate about Marketing, learn what the key skills are, and which parts of marketing pay more, or less, and use this information to guide your decision making (e.g, research, marketing communications, advertising, strategy, etc). People who can show how their work contributes to the bottom line are generally valued more than those who can’t… so being able to demonstrate a successful marketing/ad campaign with a commensurate jump in sales will, in general, be valued more highly than PR, which is important but harder to prove through numeric metrics. Good luck!