MATH 1220 vs MATH 1231

I took the ALEKS test and got a score that lets me enroll for 1220 (the slower calc class) but not the faster calc class, 1231. I would like the slower paced class as a refresh, but is it worth it? If you’ve taken the slow class I would love to hear your opinions on it, and if it is worth it. Thank you!

I would definitely go with the easier course if you’re not in a STEM or relatively quantitatively intensive major such a business or economics. That’s really the question you need to ask yourself…also you should see what professors are teaching either course, respectively. Do you want to major in a STEM or quantitatively major? That’s the second question you need to ask yourself. If the answer is yes, then you should try and take calc 1231 because it’s considered the true prerequisite calculus course you will need for STEM courses.

What’s your intended major, and is 1231 required for it? That’s the ultimate question that needs to be answered. If you don’t need 1231 for your major then you will be just fine with 1220.

@NHuffer @statsguy3847 Yeah I agree…definitely don’t waste your time taking a harder calculus class if you don’t need it. Students majoring in economics or engineering need to take 1231, for example, because there are more concepts and formulas covered in that class that are relevant to upper division courses they’ll have to later take. So for example, in an upper-division physics or economics course if you look at some of the “critical thinking” or supplementary questions in the textbook you’ll see where those formulas come into use. The time you spend learning those extra formulas could be better spent on putting more time studying for a class that you’re actually good at or just more free time in general.