math/english or major prep work first?

<p>i've talked to different counselors and they keep giving me different says I should finish all the prep work for my major, because that will give me an advantage when applying (focus on all the IGETC,etc. after)....the other one says its better to finish my Math and English before applying because they will most likely admit someone who is done with it than someone who has it in progress.</p>

<p>who is right? and im way behind in my math, so will my chances be signifcantly affected if ill be applying with my math as "in progress" instead of "finished"?</p>

<p>I think they are both right. if you take your math in this semester, it is ok. when they make the decisions,they only can see your classes untill this fall semester.</p>

<p>so finishing what first will give me an advantage? my math and english reqs or my major prep reqs?</p>

<p>Um… neither. I don’t think they care when you get it done, just that you’ve got it done. Don’t worry about which is going to give you “an advantage,” worry about getting the work done.</p>

<p>I’d say take the classes now that you expect to get the best grades in, so as to apply with the best GPA possible.</p>