<p>screw poorly written haikus. how about awesomely written limericks!</p>
user.scream(“OH, **** YOU”);}</p>
<p>screw poorly written haikus. how about awesomely written limericks!</p>
user.scream(“OH, **** YOU”);}</p>
<p>In general, the shift key applies what you’re doing to everything in a group. Open a folder and highlight a file. Then hold down shift and use your arrow keys to navigate to the last file- you’ll select everything. (This is true on Windows and Linux as well.) I suppose within software it might be somewhat specific to Macs. For example if Command + P prints an email, Command + Shift + P will print all the emails, etc.</p>
<p>Veronica Mars was a TV show that ran from 2004-2007. And I’m posting here because I thought I had something to add to the discussion. I apologize if it was too tangential for some people. Is there some criteria for who may post to a thread that I’m missing?</p>
<p>@LauraN I got your joke
And again
<p>Here is my fave, which I made up.</p>
<p>Why are sine graphs so bloody?</p>
<p>Because they have a period every 2 pi.</p>
<p>A guy in my math class told me this one:
if I were sin^2x and you were cos^x, together we would be 1.</p>
<p>^did you mean sin^2(x) and cos^2(x)?</p>
<p>yea, i was just lazy and didn’t put the ()</p>
<p>Well, you also missed the “2” on cosine. :)</p>
<p>lol just shows how unfocused I am right now</p>
<p>If you want to get into MIT, you need to learn to be focused at all times, even when asleep.</p>
<p>What did the baby acorn say to his Mom when he grew up?</p>
<p>I thought this was funny:
Q: What is the difference between a mathematician and a philosopher?
A: The mathematician only needs paper, pencil, and a trash bin for his work - the philosopher can do without the trash bin…</p>