<p>Junior here and looking for realistic chances to top schools as well as suggestions for other schools and how to appear "well-lopsided" instead of "a typical asian". Right now, my favorite schools are all extreme reaches: MIT, Princeton, Yale, and Williams. I have safeties in line and I'm hoping to get into a rolling college by mid-november. I'm still looking for more matches that work. I'm interested in schools with strong math or operations research departments but with enough of a humanities department to have good writing programs and good music programs (I'd like to minor). The size doesn't matter too much, as in larger schools, I can be immersed in the engineering and music programs. I'd also like to go to school in either the Northeast, Midwest, or West Coast, and if the school is in a city, it should be a "bubble" school (unlike BU or NYU). Students also have to be interested in learning. I visited Tufts a couple weeks ago, and was very disappointed when I sat in on a class. It was a discussion-based class with only several students. Nobody talked. Nobody was interested. Needless to say, Tufts got knocked down my list. </p>
<p>Schools (tentative): Brown, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, UChicago, Columbia, Duke, Harvard, Harvey Mudd, MIT, UMich, UPenn, Princeton, RPI, Stanford, Swarthmore, Williams, Yale </p>
<p>I know people are going to say "why are you posting chances?" and whatnot, but I just want to know if my interests seem too diverse or if I seem too "asian-stereotype" and what I can do about it now. </p>
<p>School Stats
High School: Somewhat competitive suburban high school. About 10/250 into top schools.
Rank: School does not rank.
GPA: 3.92 uw
Courseload: Extremely challenging (18 APs before graduation)</p>
<p>Standardized Testing
SAT: 800m, 780cr, 760w
SAT IIs: 800Math, 780Chem, 760Bio
APs: 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,4</p>
Math/Science/Engineering- Various regional and state level awards including Science Olympiad, Math Contests, JETS, and whatnot. 112.5/5 on the AMC/AIME freshman year. School didn't offer it sophomore or junior years. Will have taken 4 post-BC math courses before college. I do research at a nearby college with applied math, but it's nothing near good enough for ISEF or Intel or Siemens or anything. I also participated in a very selective summer program last summer, and will be participating in another this year.</p>
<p>Piano- Obvious, I'm a pianist. I've been playing for twelve years and have performed in major halls. I compete at the regional and state levels and have all those glittery medals and trophies and whatnot. I will be sending in a supplemental cd and including a resume. I participated into a music program the summer after freshman year and was accepted to a very very selective program last summer, but chose to participate in the science program instead.</p>
<p>Writing- I got into creative writing several years ago, and I really love to write. I have a couple of state level awards to show that I :gasp: can write. I'm also the editor in chief of my school's literary magazine. I participated in a writing program summer after freshman year and will be participating in a selective writing program this summer.</p>
<p>Community and School Stuf- I'm really involved in school and community positions. I'm currently the student representative to the Board of Ed, and was class president in the past. I also serve on various committies. I'm also on the board of the school service organization. </p>
<p>Politics- I'm interested in politics, but not all too involved. I'm the vice president of the school chapter of JSA and try to help canvass and phonebank (sorry!). </p>
<p>Tennis- I play recreationally, take lessons, and suck. I was captain of the JV team junior year, and will be playing varsity this year. </p>
<p>Other Stuff
I have traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and North America.
I'm a legacy at Stanford.
I'm also in all those honor societies at school.</p>
<p>So please people- chances, advice, and match schools?</p>