I took the math placement test and was told by the on campus advisor that I should take M025 and that Kelley would like seeing that class on a transcript for standard admission. Math is not my thing and I was planning to take math over next summer through an equivalent CC course for M118 or M119. I plan to take Bus A100, Bus G100, Bus c104 and Bus k201 as well as an elective or two in the fall. I’m coming in with w131 and AP Micro. Should i take Math 025 (the median grade report is terrible) as suggested by the advisor or stick to my original plan of taking math at a CC next summer?
Do you mean Math 211? If so, do not take it!! Many students are convinced to sign up for it (after a 20 minute placement test) and it is horrible - as you can tell by the grade distribution. Take Math 118 (Finite) at a CC. Math 119 is manageable, but if you are in doubt, save it for the CC also.
What was the highest math you took in high school? You can see old M025 midterms and finals at this link. http://mypage.iu.edu/~mathlc/M025exampractice.htm
The grade distribution does look bad at first glance but the average student GPA is awful so I think the grade distribution is more a result of it being a remedial math class than it being difficult.
Given your six credits in W131 and micro, you only need the following classes (and to take 12 credits total each semester) to apply to Kelley. Get all solid B or higher in these classes and 12 credits per semester with all solid B or higher; you will have the minimum of 30 credits to apply. Take some easy electives (don’t take any pass/fail courses) and one-credit Kelley courses to help get to 12 credits each semester.
Fall Semester: 12 credits total in order to be a full-time student
Bus K201 3 credits
Bus A100 1 credit
Bus C104 3 credits
Spring Semester: 12 credits total in order to be a full-time student
Bus G202 (you must have credit for E201 microecon to be able to take G202) 2 credits
Bus A201 (you need credit for A100 to take A201) OR Econ 202 3 credits – two very difficult courses at IUB
If you do well in A100, then take A201 in the spring semester. If you don’t feel comfortable taking A201 based on your A100 performance, then take Econ E202. Macro is a tough class at IUB, but you might have to take it since you are not taking M118 or M119 at IUB.
I would not take M025. You could get an A+ in that class and nobody in Kelley would be impressed. Give me a break; this class does not even carry university credit; so you would have to add a freshman level class just to get to your 12 credits in that semester. If you got a B- or lower in M025, you would probably have a very difficult time getting accepted to Kelley.
Also, there is no point in taking BUS G100. Only 45 students out of the 1500-2000 freshman students in Kelley or trying to get into Kelley took G100 in Fall 2015, and 25% of them withdrew from the class. Not required for Kelley, so don’t take it; take something that grades easier.
How on earth did you get placed in M025? I believe that’s one of the lowest math classes offered at IU. Retake the math placement test to see if you do better.
I suggest you take A Brief Survey of Calculus (I believe that’s M118)? I’ve heard somewhat good things about that class.
I skipped some of the problems and did not take the placement test seriously knowing I was going to take math at a CC. I know I could do better but there doesn’t seem to be a reason to do better on the placement test? Right now I"m looking for classes where I’d have a good chance of doing well in order to keep my GPA up. Any suggestions are appreciated.
For your case it doesn’t matter except for the fact that you probably won’t hear the end of it from your advisor. I still suggest going with M118/M119. If you still want to take it at a CC, I’ve heard finite is easy at Ivy Tech.
So basically, if you want to take math at IU, I’d recommend M118/119 (I’ve heard horror stories about finite at IU) and if you want to take it at a CC, go for Finite. Not sure if Ivy Tech publishes its grade distributions, but if they do, then check it out.