Math SAT scores

<p>Just a one question what are the SAT scores in math for all you people that are doing Engineering??????</p>

<p>SAT I MATH: ____ SAT II Math: ______ (IC or IIC)</p>

<p>I want to compare myself because people have been telling me to think of doing engineering???</p>

<p>Thanks for you Stats :-)</p>

<p>SAT I MATH: 700 SAT II Math: 760 (IC)</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 800 SAT IIC MATH: 800</p>

<p>as u can see its not difficult for me to choose engineering as my major. btw I took the SAT I three times if that helps..</p>


<p>Engineering... duh..</p>

<p>750/750 Ic</p>

<p>730 / 780iic</p>

<p>690/700 1c</p>

<p>660/620 IC</p>

<p>And, I like and am doing well in fresh/soph engineering classes. It really depends on the person and school. I've never tested well.</p>

<p>Why do you want to do engineering though?</p>

<p>damn... i wanted to be the lowest</p>

<p>sat math= 680
math i and ii=700</p>

<p>kwtortoise...your in college? what college?</p>

<p>sat math = 650 (retaking)
sat ii math ic = 740
sat ii math iic = 790</p>

<p>yeah seriously though, ur scores shouldnt matter. its whether u like math and science or not. personally i dislike english so i knew i wanted to major in science. at the same time i enjoy math so i picked engineering. then i had to narrow it down even more...</p>

english sucks ass</p>

<p>you don't have to get a super duper math IIC score to succeed in engineering...people change</p>

<p>790 is a good score..</p>

<p>800 sat I
800 2C</p>

<p>I go to Embry-Riddle. So far engineering seems to be more of a test of endurance then anything else. If you try hard, get help, and stick with it, people get through the program. A love for math helps a lot too since that is what most of the classes are based on. (dang it, I thought I would have the lowest SAT) =)</p>

<p>Math: 750
IIC: 780</p>

<p>Math: 730
IIC: 790</p>

<p>(just to brag
Verbal: 800)</p>

<p>why are u going to engineering with 800 verbal??</p>

<p>you should go into pre-law, or business, or political science...</p>

<p>naah i dont kno how i got such a high verbal my writing 680</p>

<p>i read a lot,or used to, and i read fast so im good at the critical reading passages</p>

<p>trust me im m uch better at math/sci stuff</p>