<p>chickened out of IIC? why that test is easy...</p>
<p>math 2C is nice, i didnt remember geometry so well...so it was good to get to take a test with something i had learned in at least the last 3 years...</p>
<p>710 Math / 680 Math IIC</p>
<p>730 Math / 740 Math IIC</p>
<p>620 Verbal / 770 Writing (omfg)</p>
<p>Funny how I did the best when I tried the least. I only took writing that time because my parents said i should take as many tests as i could. So I just half-assed the essay and wrote about how Bush messed up America... guess it worked, 11/12 on it.</p>
<p>700 SAT I Math
740 SAT 2 IIC
took each only one time</p>
<p>780/780 Iic</p>
<p>800 / 800</p>
<p>however my english testing skills blow...</p>
<p>IIC is actually much easier to get an 800 because IC doesn't allow any mistakes in order to get 800 whereas IIC allows around 8 blanks depending on the curve</p>
<p>730/740iic :-/</p>
<p>780 (2x.... if I got 1 more right either time it would have been an 800 haha) and 760... as good as I am at math though.. I'm going to be a doctor not an engineer :)</p>
<p>800 math SAT I, 800 math 2C :)
I am a sophomore at Cornell engineering</p>
<p>come to think of it... as around 5 of my close friends all have an 800/800. It really isn't all that hard to get that...</p>
<p>however, these scores are ultimately insignificant in the grand scheme of things...</p>
<p>for SATIIC, I suggest studying Barron's SATII for those who are planning to retake it. Barron's Is really hardcore so it really gets one's mind tuned for the actual thing.</p>
<p>540 math/630 verbal.<br>
600 math 1C.</p>
<p>Do I have any chance of getting into MIT with these scores? What other schools should I consider?</p>
<p>well my scores ...guess that wud be gud in to see coz i did gud at all maths test i gave...though my CR and writing score is horrible .....which contrrasts my high english ability and my jourmalism and my national english based awards........</p>
<p>sat1 maths ..1st try ::800
sat1 maths ..2nd try ::800
Sat2 maths level 1 :790
Sat2 maths level 2 :800</p>
<p>total of 3190/3200 of all 4 maths test i gave...</p>
<p>SAT I: 760 SAT IIC: 800</p>
<p>Are you a junior? It will be very hard to get into MIT with those scores (and I'm tempted to say damn near impossible, but there's always that chance). MIT routinely rejects applicants with perfect scores throughout, so you will have to have amazing other credentials to have a shot.</p>
<p>Anyway - there are tons of very good engineering schools you could get into with those stats...take a look at Purdue, Virginia Tech, and Penn State.</p>
<p>SAT I: 560</p>
<p>Yes, I'm serious. I'm going into (Computer/Electrical) Engineering / Finance</p>
<p>790 / 800 iic</p>
<p>680 sat math/790 math level2</p>