MathCamp as rising senior?

<p>Is MathCamp too "young" of a program for a boy who will be 18 at the end of the summer? He would love the math but is worried about being around a bunch of "little kids" and about being treated as one himself.</p>

<p>Love to hear from anyone who has been. Thanks.</p>

<p>I assume you’re talking about the Canada/USA MathCamp.</p>

<p>Of all the summer programs I’ve been to, MathCamp assumes the most individual responsibility. None of the classes are mandatory, so whether your son uses his time wisely at the camp is totally up to his judgment. The residential assistants don’t enforce curfew or any dorm rules that they deem not suitable for older kids.</p>

<p>The program is has about 25% of its population in every grade of high school. From what I observed, every social group has a pretty even age distribution, with the exception of a few. When I went as a sophomore, I hanged out mostly with the older students who have more sophisticated social life.</p>

<p>Your son will be surprised that these “little kids” are intellectual peers of his when he get to camp.</p>

<p>Does your son truly like math (not just classroom math but math puzzles and contests)? If so he’ll find himself a fit for the program.</p>