Mature Audiences Only (18+)

<p>I only want people older than 18 (people not in HS) reading my essay. If your 18 still post. Who nose, you may find a present in my PM box.</p>

<p>Posters will be subject to a through background check. Lets keep it clean this time guise. I cant get banned...again ;)</p>

<p>Pick Your Poison:</p>

<p>Why Penn
Common App
UChicago Topic 1
Why Engineering (Cornell)</p>

<p>O hai guise</p>

<p>Well I'm still in high school, but I've had numerous professional writers compliment my writing and my friends think I'm nutso harshly critical. Fire me off your common app essay and I'll let you know what I think.</p>

<p>I'm fighting a sudden and tremendous urge to reply to this in LOLCat.
I will say I enjoy your username, though.</p>

<p>you got me hooked. I'm in high school, but I turned eighteen this summer. Background check away if necessary. You can PM if you like</p>

<p>yo send it over ill look at it</p>