May 2005 IB Exams...

<p>Which ones is everyone taking? Which ones are you nervous for? Have you started studying? </p>

<p>Just a place where we can talk about IB stuff!</p>

<p>I'm a junior (IB1) and this year I'm writing the Math Methods and Biology SL papers. I haven't started studying, but I'm not too worried (april should be good). I'm barely worried for Bio... I should be able to get a 7 without too much difficulty after some studying. Math, on the other hand, will be a bit harder, but we'll see what happens. I heard that the class average for Methods last year (for my teacher - there are 3 others) was ~6.5, and that's definetly a comforting thought. </p>

<p>less than two months to go... <em>eek</em></p>


<p>Yeah, I am taking May 2005 IB Exams as well. I'm taking them in the following subjects:</p>

<p>Economics HL
English A1 HL
Spanish Ab Initio
Math HL
Physics HL
Biology SL</p>

<p>Yeah, the bio shouldn't be too hard, although I despise that class. The Math Paper 2 is definitely hard. But, whatever, we'll see.</p>

<p>Hey there... I'm a junior now, and this year I'll be taking (exam-wise):</p>

<p>1) Music Theory (SL)
2) Geography (SL)</p>

<p>Next year (senior year):</p>

<p>3) Spanish (SL)
4) English A1 (HL)
5) Math (HL)
6) Biology (HL)</p>

<p>I am really worried about Biology (HL) and Math (HL), although some people have stated that those two subject IB exams are not that bad at all. However, I have been performing very weakly in both subjects. I am extremely confident that I will score well on Geography SL, as I am expecting no lower than a 6 on that subject. I am a little worried about Music Theory SL, as I have barely made progress on my Internal Assessment, nor studying for the IB exam. Anyhow, good luck to everyone in IB... it has been a tough road for me so far, but I am trying to hang in there.</p>

<p>in may:
1. Physics SL
2. ITGS Sl</p>

<p>next year:
1. Hist of Americas HL
2. Spanish
3. Math HL
4. English HL
5. TOK</p>

<p>im a junior also so i'm only taking itgs this yr and next yr </p>

<p>bio sl
spanish hl
math hl
english hl
psych hl</p>

<p>that's odd i had no idea there is a tok ib exam??</p>

<p>o, i dont know, i just thought there was a tok exam b/c we have to take it next year..</p>

<p>There is no TOK exam. There's a presentation and an essay.</p>

<p>I'm a senior and I'm taking the following:</p>

<p>Math HL
English HL
Comp Sci HL
Spanish SL</p>

<p>I'm only gonna study for Comp Sci, as it's the only one I can get credit for at the university i'm goin to next year (they don't accept SLs or English HL, and I'm already getting AP calc BC credit for math).</p>

<p>Math HL
History HL
English HL
Physics HL
French SL</p>

<p>Anyone taking mocks? I just finished them yesterday. I had the Math HL Paper 2! Jesus! That thing was HARD. No one in my class got above like 30% or something. I mean, the Paper 1 isn't difficult; it's actually relatively easy. So, anyone have any advice on how to prepare for the Paper 2?</p>