<p>It would be around a 770.</p>
<p>yes d and d</p>
<p>did anyone get two T,T (no CE) before the two T,T CE?</p>
<p>what would about 6 wrong and 8 omitted be?</p>
<p>What do you guys think 2 skip and around 4~6 wrong would be?</p>
<p>Did anyone else get a lot of C’s on the beginning of the 3rd column?</p>
<p>Ok, about this diatomic/linear argument:
the question specifically said the diatomic molecule X2, so both atoms must be the same. Yes, HCl is polar, but it is not in the form X2. I put CE, but I’m actually starting to think that that was wrong; both atoms must be the same, but I dont think that the linear shape explains the polarity, seeing as how all diatomic molecules, whether its X2 or XY, are always linear, so that doesn’t seem like a CE. </p>
<p>I also got 3 T T CE’s, but the one above seems to be wrong.</p>
<p>Also, about the hydrogen light question, there’s no way that was CE. Hydrogen can ABSORB ANY light/energy, the crucial thing is that it can only EMIT certain wavelengths of light. </p>
<p>What score do you think ~6-8 wrong and 0 omitted is?</p>
<p>The question said 1) Diatomic molecules are nonpolar, BECAUSE 2) Diatomic molecules are linear. </p>
<p>Yes, they are nonpolar, and yes, they are linear, but they are not nonpolar b/c they are linear; they are nonpolar because the charges are balanced and it is symmetric.</p>
<p>"Also, about the hydrogen light question, there’s no way that was CE. Hydrogen can ABSORB ANY light/energy, the crucial thing is that it can only EMIT certain wavelengths of light. "</p>
<p>Why is it that they can absorb any amount of energy? Say I give an electron (I’m just making these numbers up, as you’ll see) 3 J of energy, when it only needs 1 J to get to the next energy level. Are you saying that the other 2 J just gets released?</p>
<p>From the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Astronomy education website: “When an electron absorbs a photon it gains the energy of the photon. Because an electron bound to an atom can only have certain energies the electron can only absorb photons of certain energies.”</p>
<p>Whats a RAW score of 70?</p>
<p>What were some of the T, Ts?</p>
<p>^The diatomic question, for one.</p>
<p>Yea but what else. I’m pretty sure I had 5 TTCEs, but I can’t figure out if I’m wrong.</p>
<p>What were some of the other true false questions?</p>
<p>Another T T: Zinc is a better conductor of electricity than phosphorus. Zinc has twice as many electrons as phosphorus.</p>
<p>Yea i got that correct.</p>
<p>I feel like a messed up an easy one. </p>
<p>Do you remember any easy ones that had a “F” ?</p>
<p>Umm, F F: Salt water has a higher freezing point than distilled water. Salt water and distilled water have the same vapor pressure.</p>
<p>yea I got that one. Do you remember any T F, or F T?</p>