May 4th

Hi so I was assigned to pick my room on may 4th, I really want the 4 person suite style dorm preferably in pres 1 or 2. What are my chances do you think? Thank you.

Is it just you or are you pulling someone in? Nobody really knows what will happen this year. Keep your eye on the facebook pages after the first day of selection, people will post what is still available. Be sure to research your other options just in case Pres is full.

I do plan on pulling someone in, how would that affect my chances exactly?

^^ It’s harder to find multiple rooms available in a suite than single rooms. The later you get in housing selection, the harder it becomes.

Random question, but is there anywhere to find your timeslot other than on the email that they originally sent?

@flatKansas you can always call the housing department, I am sure they could check for you and perhaps resend the email if it was deleted by accident.

good luck and Roll Tide!