Mays Business Honors Admissions

@TXmom5 the BH acceptance letter does not include that information. They will mention those stats during BH Parent/Student Invitational, which takes place in late spring.

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2 of my S friends heard back with rejections so far

The waiting game is always hard. But if you are waiting to hear from BH, that means you were accepted into Mays. So even if it’s a no for BH, the news isn’t too bad!!


@TXmom5 and @peppypanda what are your/your students stats?

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34 ACT(35 English, 27 math, 36 reading, 36 science)
3.98/4.00 GPA
School doesn’t rank/too small - not auto admit
(no AP except for Calc BC, school doesn’t really offer them)
Essays - 8/10
Recs - 9/10
5 Internships
Varsity Athlete 4 years
Different Leadership positions @ school (prom committee, trip planning, founder of the newspaper, ect)
Church Small group leader 4 years
Church Student Leadership team 4 years
3 awards from school
2 awards from sports
Teacher’s assistant for entrepreneurship and Physics (senior year)
Taken Entrepreneurship classes at school (& won a digital marketing competition at school)


@peppypanda great stats! Simply speculating what might be holding you back from BH (and hopefully I’m wrong! :crossed_fingers:t3:)
*not auto admit
*not enough course rigor

If you haven’t gotten a rejection letter yet, there’s still hope! If you do receive a rejection letter, and you attend A&M, join an org or two in the fall, make a 4.0 and reapply.

Keep us posted! :crossed_fingers:t3::+1:t3:

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Yes those are my concerns as well…
Hoping they read my school profile and like what they see! (It’s not traditional but challenging!)
Also the 27 in Math… but idk how much that matters.

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Yes, the 27 might be an issue, but that would be more of an issue if applying for Engineering.
BH staff scrutinizes applications/resume/scores, are looking for a very specific student.
It’s encouraging that you’ve at least made it this far, without rejection, especially when 3,000+ applied!

Like I’ve said multiple times (I’ve got a Senior BHer now, who just applied to graduate), Mays is phenomenal…with or without BH! PROMISE !!

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@peppypanda —those are all very impressive. This board has shown me how many amazing kids are out there. And that the ones who don’t get in BH are still in very good company!


My son received his acceptance letter yesterday. Big envelope. Letter dated January 24.

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@TAMUMAMA yay!! CONGRATS :smile:

Is there a admitted students day for Mays

So happy for him! Congrats!!

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@Woodlands for Mays in general, or Business Honors?
Mays no
BH yes

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my DD was just accepted to BH!!! Big surprise and honor!! We would love to hear more about this program. The letter states that she is in the running for scholarship money and will hear in march. We are OOS and she was also accepted to UNC chapel hill this weekend as well and the money matters! She LOVED visiting A& M - loved the tradition and culture. How difficult is it to be an out of state student (18 hours away) at A& M?

SAT 1500
State tennis finalist all 4 years and team captain
Works part time junior and senior year
pretty good volunteer opportunities
Young life and youth group
summer intern in a health practice for healthcare mgmt
Public school top #2 out of 230
Capstone candidate
top rigor in classes
great essays and recommendations

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@cawcaw congrats on BH!
I’ve got a Senior BHer. Outstanding program!!
As far as scholarships…is your student NM semi/finalist or even Commended? If so, NM semi & finalist are guaranteed $. There is an OOS scholarship, Maroon Merit (I think is what it’s called), not sure how many can get that.
Qualifying for in-state tuition is TOUGH. Don’t count on that.
I do think most (maybe all-not sure?) BHers get some kind of Mays scholarship, like $1k for 4 years. Definitely won’t be huge scholarships.

This is straight from the Mays home page-

@cawcaw link for Maroon Merit

Know the weather is impacting the mail…but just wondering if anyone else has received a letter either way for BH?

I can’t remember if they said all decisions were supposed to be made by Jan 15 or Feb 15. Either way, everyone should know soon.

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Is UNC-CH home? If so, it’s far but the direct flight from Houston to Raleigh is easy. Very different schools and cultures. Both are wonderful! I attended both! Can’t go wrong either way.

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