Mays Business Honors Admissions

@AETX A&M will assign him a rank/quarter.
BH is more than grades & scores-tho that’s a big component. They want a REALLY well rounded student-
*Leadership (student body president, band drum major, class officer, large club president, varsity sport captain, etc)
*Awards received
*High gpa
*High test scores
*Volunteerism/community service
*Work experience
and more…

They are looking for a student who will be very involved at A&M (they very much encourage BH students to join orgs, take on leadership roles), be able to attend all football games in the fall, join a FLO and/or fraternity or professional org, and still make a 3.8-4.0. They want campus leaders.

I don’t see any reason why your son wouldn’t get into Mays, if he applies early enough. It’s rumored around 3,000 applied for BH this year-85ish spots-so that’ll be tough to get. Sooo many wickedly smart, outgoing, engaged, leaders applying.

This was posted just a few days ago. Gives a perfect glimpse into the BH program-

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Wow! Those are top students for sure!

My son has Regional and National awards, he’s class President, started 2 businesses, honors society, music, and has lots of leadership and volunteer hours. All we can do is pray and see what happens! Thanks for your response!

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@AETX he sounds amazing! But just know that there are literally 1,000s of students just like him at TAMU.
Mays is fantastic…with or without BH!

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You’re right! And we will be very thankful if he can get Mays!

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Wow! Y’all are already way ahead. This time last year my son was sure he was going to be in the school of Agriculture! His stats and EC look absolutely outstanding!

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My gut is he’ll get in with or right after auto admits with that SAT score. After reading through his other stats you mentioned, he sounds like a great candidate for BH so odds are in his favor but as @52AG82 stated, there are many in the same boat. Well I say many, but really he sounds like cream of the crop of even the best applicants.

Way to be ahead of the game. Make sure his essays are done early and well thought out.


Thanks! Essays and short answers in the edit phase as we speak! Thanks for the feedback.

We have Bright Horizons college coach service and they are editing for us. Any experience with this? They seem like they know what they are doing. Their suggestions have been excellent so far.

No I don’t know that service. I’m sorry. Glad you’re getting good feedback/advice from them. I do the same thing but pro bono lol. It’s my passion/hobby.

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@52AG82 @ChristiR93 @FriscoDad QUick question:-

  1. I got an email from office of Honors program. I guess this is not the major (BH) program but the university honors program. My question is two fold:- Is the University Honors prgram worth pursuing? Can you please help me with pro and cons of this program. How does my business major program fit in to the mix?

  2. The specifically mentioned that they are reviewing my application but would not be able to proceed until I change / update my housing application and select honors LLC. I had read somewhere that selecting LLC is not a good option so I did not. I understand if I do get into Honors program then I required to stay at Honors program LLC, and that is fine, but what if I am not selected to Honors? Will selecting LLC effect my housing application is any way?

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@Collegemichmatt everyone has different views & opinions on UH (University Honors). You asked, so here’s mine…

*Best perk of UH is priority registration! No doubt there.
*UH does NOT have the clout/reputation that UT Plan II has, or pretty much another university wide honors program that I’ve heard of. A&M has dropped the ball.
*UH freshman are required to live in either Lechner or McFadden. You don’t get to select room or roommate. They are both Northside Modular dorms, so that’s a perk.
*UH is based on a points system. Freshman year there’s a lot of fluff-mixers, ice breakers.
*UH doesn’t work specifically with your major. It requires a certain number of HNR classes to be taken (all HNR programs do), but many times students have to go to their professor and ask them to ‘make’ the section ‘honors’ for them. Prof doesn’t have to. So it can be hard to find enough HNR classes. For sure wouldn’t ask a Mays professor to ‘make’ his class an HNR section just for you…that would go over like a lead balloon
*I’d love to know the % of how many start out in UH vs how many actually graduate. My Aggie says she doesn’t know a soul that stayed in past their sophomore year.
*No other honors program on campus solicits people to apply. Every year, UH sends emails asking students to apply.
*I definitely don’t see the need to be in UH and a major specific HNR program. One or the other.
*If you change your dorm selection to LLC (any LLC), then decide you don’t want to do LLC, student is placed at the end of the dorm selection list…they do not get their original time stamp back.
*UH definitely appeals to some
*Biggest perk is early registration

You asked…:sweat_smile:

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Thanks. On the point about later if we decide not to join LLC and we going back to the ed of dorm selection list , especially because we did not make it to Honors, may not be accurate. This is what I got as an email response to my inquiry from TAMU:–

I have just spoken to you over the phone. This is confirmation that if the student does not get accepted into Honors, they will be placed back into the housing pool at their original priority date, and not put at the back of the line.

Thanks & Gig 'em!

Housing Assignments Office

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BUT…did they give you a date UH acceptance is announced/sent out? The past 4 years, UH hasn’t let applicants know until after May 1, which totally messed up dorm selection (if student applied in September).
Maybe everyone who applies gets accepted to UH?

I would hold on to that email and the name of the person you spoke to. Past 4 years, those that withdrew from any LLC got put at the end.

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@Collegemichmatt Go ahead and do regular dorm selection. If you decide to do UH in May, housing will move you to Lechner/McFadden. In 2020 this is what my Aggie did.

I personally think UH might work for students who would have wanted to do two majors, or who really want to do research as an undergraduate or go into academia.

Also must be OK with pot luck roommate. It is a way to get into a Northside Modular if you are at the tail end of room selection.

I would pick Engineering Honors over UH but I can’t speak to the other programs.

Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone attended the invitational on February 20. Also, curious about scholarships. Mine was surprised with an Opportunity Award scholarship a couple of weeks ago. Does that have to do with BH?

@TAMUMAMA here’s the criteria for an Opportunity Award. Probably not BH related, but can’t say for certain.
Many BHers do receive departmental scholarships.


Does anyone know how many BHers get first year scholarships/what the typical applicant looks like who receives them? I heard some scholarships for BH/Mays will come out this week. And I’m wondering if I have a shot.

Congrats @peppypanda ! I didn’t know you’d gotten into BH!

Oh thank you! Yes I got into BH! @Ohhappyday88 is my mom so I didn’t wanna say I got it and make it seem like 2 people got in :joy:


Yay! No one, except for Jeff (BH staff, in charge of scholarships) can say for certain who & how many get what.
Don’t expect a huge award/scholarship-if you do get one, it’ll probably be in the $1-2k range. Could be 1 year, might be 4 years. Any scholarship awarded is quite an honor at TAMU…they don’t give many, like other universities.
I hope you’ll love BH, and take advantage of all that the program offers!

*you did submit university scholarship application & FAFSA, correct??


My son received 2 scholarships a couple of weeks ago, but we determined they are not BH related.