Mays Business Honors Stats?

Does anyone know what the average ACT scores are of BHP admits? I’m looking to apply this summer and I was wondering about where I need to shoot for. I got my first ACT scores back yesterday. 29 composite, 26 math, 27 science, 31 reading, and 33 english. I know I have to get a 30 for automatic admission, but I’m assuming that’s not where I need to be to get into the BHP. I’m taking it again this April.

@laurarwrites , I’m not sure about your question. Somebody more knowledgeable will chime in. But regarding the ACT, in addition to a composite score of 30, you also need at least 27 English and 27 Math for academic admit plus a top 25% ranking. It’s great that you’re already taking it. Keep taking it. I would recommend taking the SAT also. Some students are better suited to one or the other. Being in the top quarter is major important. You do not want your app to go in to review status! Read the Admissions thread, lots of valuable information there. Good luck. And apply early if you want Mays! It fills early with auto and academic admits.

Thank you! I already took the SAT in November and sadly, I did not get the score I wanted. Or anywhere close. Luckily, I am top 15% of my class (9/61) so class rank is not much of a problem for me. I’m planning on applying as soon as theApplyTexas application open up, and I’ve already started writing my essays.

My daughter will be a freshman in the fall, and will be in Business Honors. I don’t think there is a set ACT/SAT score. You should look at the Business Honors website, to see what they’re looking for.
I do know, out of the 1,000 Mays students, only 80 were invited to BH, in class of 2023.
Early application and very high test scores, leadership, top class rank/gpa and extra curricular activities are what they’re looking for.

This year, over 46k applicants, and unless you’re Top 10% or have the needed scores, you won’t get automatic admission. The College Confidential thread is filled with students who are 11 & 12% and very high scores, that are still waiting…and hoping for Blinn TEAM at this point.

@laurarwrites , 15%, great! Make sure you stay there. Prepare hard for your next ACT, and get those extra points. You’re almost there; so close. Ensuring you are an academic admit will make this process much less stressful. Request your recommendation letters early as well. Get your transcript before your high school counselor leaves for summer break. A lot of applications get hung up with transcript issues. You want all the application components complete as soon as possible. It’s great that you’re already working on essays. Get all your ECs and volunteer hours together. Looks like you have a great plan and are on the ball. One thing I almost forgot to ask: does your school rank? if not-ranking school, that can lead to delays. Good luck. Keep us informed.

@CamandCam great info!! Early everything is key!

@52AG82 , so true! Early is so important, especially for Mays. So many kids that applied late had no shot. I felt bad for them when they found out. In the case of Mays, the early bird does truly get the worm. ?

Thanks for all the info! My school does rank, but I am currently ranked 9 out of 61 students. I attend a very small choice school so. sadly, I do not have the advantages that larger schools have. I will actually be starting my recommendation letter process tomorrow, and I already have a large (and growing) list of ECs and volunteer hours. I’m really excited to be getting closer to applying in July, seeing all the pieces fall into place.

@laurarwrites , that’s good that they rank. That will remove one potential hurdle. I understand what you mean about small schools. My son’s class has 62. Do you have access to many AP classes? Are you in state?

My school does not offer AP classes, however, I do take dual credit. By the time I graduate from high school, I will have an associates degree. All of my regualr high school classes have been pre AP. I’m lucky that I will have two years of college out of the way, but this limits which colleges I can apply to because not all colleges will take my credits.

@laurarwrites that is great! You’ll need to check Mays, because there will definitely be some dual credit classes they won’t accept. There was a thread somewhere about dual credits.

I’ll be visiting Mays next month so hopefully I get the chance to ask them!

@laurarwrites that’s good! If you didn’t attend Aggieland Info Day a couple weeks ago, I highly suggest going to Aggie Info Day in November (in 2018, it was the Monday of Thanksgiving Week)-small version of Aggieland Day. Sign up to attend the Mays portion-very beneficial! Also take a dorm tour.

Thanks for the tip! I wanted to attend Aggieland Info Day but I couldn’t because my ACT test was the same day. I’ll check out going in November.

You definitely don’t want to miss Aggie Info Day then. It’s in November, and not well publicized.
My daughter didn’t attend Aggieland Day last year, because it was also ACT day, which I think is crazy-your target audience is 11th & 12th graders.
Our campus tour was terrible (thankfully we already knew our way around, and didn’t need to be ‘sold’), but we did get a lot out of Aggie Info Day. Make sure to attend an ‘official’ campus tour-where you sign up ahead of time; they ask about that on your application-I guess they think it shows you are serious about attending.

@laurarwrites , one other thing, when you request your scores from ACT, don’t just assume that they sent them. If the scores don’t show up in AIS, call ACT to confirm they sent them. My son’s friend had his application delayed due to a test score issue on the part of SAT. And really, if anything at all doesn’t seen right with your app status, call Admissions immediately. Trust, but verify.

Thanks for the warning!