Mays external transfer

Hi did you transfer in as a Junior? How many credit hours?

They want you ready for upper level courses but if you have everything completed and ready to take istm 210 acct 230 etc then no, you are not at a disadvantage. But you cannot apply for transfer until all required are complete, not in progress.

Ok, so how good a shot do you think a 4.0 student at blinn connected to professors and other accolades and achievements has at getting in after one year at blinn. Planning on doing some summer classes and getting everything done by the end of fall.

You have a great chance.

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@Futur3aggiehope by end of fall? Woah. I’d pace yourself. Like @AggieMomhelp said, you’ll need a 4.0, and you’ll be competing with many others. Some of those classes won’t be blow off’s.

I get that and I have no doubt I’m going to get a 4.0. I already have 2 (maybe 3 if I pass my AP test) of the required courses completed through AP credit. I’ll be taking 3 classes in Summer II (maybe less) and 5 in the fall. Plain and simple, don’t see how that is so overwhelming? The required classes and maybe +1 more I will have done by the fall if you were confused about that.

@Futur3aggiehope 3 classes during a summer session would be tough, 2 might be doable, depending on what they are. Just know that the Math, Acct and Econ classes won’t be a snap, especially if taken during summer session. Yes, historically easier at Blinn then Mays, but will still require a lot of work.
Mays advisors strongly encourage their fall freshman to only take 12 hours, so 15 is a lot, but I guess if you’ve been taking summer classes it should be okay.
You are obviously very determined, so I have no doubt you’ll get it done!

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Thank you for the recommendations. I need all the information I need good or bad so thank you! It didn’t sit right not getting in, I screwed up in the academic aspect of things my fresh and soph year of HS. Could have done much better which is the disappointing thing, I proved that to myself later on but the damage was done to my GPA. I snuffed out some bad grades and managed to get a 3.5 UW which wasn’t terrible, but still could have done A LOT better. Thanks for the help and recommendations, appreciate the honesty.


@Futur3aggiehope it is really, really hard to tell a freshman in high school that every grade they make, and every extra curricular truly matters. I am a mom
trust me, I know.
You definitely have shown your head is on straight now. Great come back!
The Math and Acct classes will be a challenge, and with accelerated summer session, definitely don’t attempt both of those during summer. They’re just a lot of material, taught at a really fast pace, especially Acct 229 (whatever the Blinn eqv is). If you’re not a super strong math student, get lined up with tutoring from day 1.
If you need to take POLS (Political Science), many take that by Clep exam. Definitely worth investigating.
Econ is doable, tho a lot of material, easier to grasp, if you’ve taken 1 of the Econ’s in high school.
Ask around about which History to take-some are way easier than others.
I have a Mays sophomore, so my student has either taken these classes, or will be finishing them up during MayMester.
Asking around, researching professors & courses is key! And don’t get behind in class work. Be sure to meet with both a Blinn and Mays advisor, if you can, to map out exactly what you need, have a plan in place.
You can do it!! :muscle:t3:

Sorry to spiral off here
 but, do you know which 12 hours they typically want Mays students to take their first semester? The degree plans all have 15 hours. My son will probably take a lot of the basics from his AP, except for his maths. (Use those to hopefully help GPA and be easy classes for him)

@tmclanton here’s what my Mays student took as a freshman & fall soph year.

BUSN 125
Math 140
POSC 201 (Poultry Science, super easy if you just attend-my student was SHOCKED at how many students never came to class

Acct 229 (a weed out class. TOUGH)
ANSC 107 (General Animal Science)
ISTM 210 (not a blow off)
Math 142
SPMT (Olympic Studies)

Acct 230 (easier, slightly, than 229)
MGMT 211 (brutal tough. Huge weed out)
PHYs 123 (Physics for Future Presidents-many Mays students take this)
POLS 207
SCMT (statistics)

*Acct 229, Management 211, Finance 341 are said to be the toughest. I wouldn’t encourage taking any of them the same semester. ISTM, intro Marketing & Supply Chain are no slacker classes.
Seek the easiest Science & History classes, Mays doesn’t care.

Remember that EVERY Mays student is smart, over achiever, top of their class. It’s humbling to many, who breezed thru high school.
My student knows ONE student who made an A in their Honors Management sections. One.

Listen to Mays advisors. They know what they’re doing, won’t steer your student in the wrong direction. The want their students to be successful.

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Thank you! Copying that into my Google Doc with advice on classes!
I am glad to hear that the Mays advisors are good. I have heard some nightmares about advising, but it does not seem to be with Mays! He is planning on reapplying to Business Honors, so he wants to make sure his first semester will be 4.0. He is still not fully over getting that rejection
 that was a humbling experience for sure! I keep telling him that all of the students are smart and that he will have to work hard. I don’t think he is fully believing me yet. We have already discussed that there are a couple of classes that he will need to have tutoring from day 1 and he just laughs at me. Ummm
 I have spent hours on the forums and have read the posts from parents seeking help.
I appreciate all the information. You are always so informative!

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@tmclanton he will figure it out. And unfortunately, not getting into BH won’t be his only disappointment. Trying to get into a FLO is super competitive, next to impossible to get on BSC (Business Student Council), on & on.

Except for the clueless freshman parents (who haven’t clued in yet, that college/Mays really IS tough, and their 4.0 kid isn’t the smartest one anymore :roll_eyes:) the Mays Parents pages are solid. I prefer the original page (header is maroon/white, more members).

I haven’t read or heard of anyone being disgruntled with Mays advisors.
Make sure your son joins something in the fall. Doesn’t have to be a FLO (mine didn’t even apply), but he needs to volunteer at the 12th Can, apply/join one of the Business co-ed fraternities, join another A&M org, etc. BH application will ask how he got involved.

Totally agree. I do already have english and macro econ under my belt well see if I get a good score on my Calc AB test which I saw translates to the Business Math II. Thanks for your help, so glad there are reliable people out there willing to provide information and give their knowledge. I am dead set on working hard and connecting myself through what I am currently doing and what I will do.
Thank you!

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@Futur3aggiehope you clearly have maturity beyond your years. Study hard for the Calc AB exam (my student didn’t take that, hard class!). It would be great if you could knock that off the list.
Make appts with both Mays and Blinn advisors.
Stay focused & keep reaching for your Mays dream!

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Be sure AP counts for math. For some reason I remember them saying they will only take graded credit (dual) for some classes.

FYI, my daughter got psa in 2015. She went to OSU for freshman year. She was not an overly bright student but works hard. But get this
 she took both math 141 (May minimester) and math 142 (2nd summer session) at Blinn and made As. Not that hard here. She worked hard like I said but also just showing that it’s so doable.

also, take psych 107. They love this for business majors. And it’s fun.

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Ok, I made some calls and did some math. If I pass the 4 ap tests I’m taking this year I will have 24 credit hours before I even set foot on blinn campus. 9 of those hours would go towards my required courses for a Mays transfer (business math II, macro econ, and engl). With that being said, I could have upwards of 45 credit hours by the end of the fall semester. Would be taking 6 hours of classes in summer II, then 15 hours in fall. I’ve checked they accept my credit I have in AP made calls to Mays advisors and everything. Blinn told me I need to have completed 6 hours of coursework before my Ap credits activate, which is fine because I was probably going to do that anyways. What do you guys think? Is this doable? What can I do to make myself standout for a Mays transfer going in as a sophomore? Am I at a disadvantage going to blinn vs another university?

Blinn is a great segway to TAMU. TAMU knows and trusts Blinn professors and that it’s not an easy road. Will definitely have to work hard, but As will come with work. Versus at TAMU when work will get you Bs and sometimes Cs. TAMU is a beast.

So TAMU wants you to have 24 graded credit hours, so if you end the fall with 45, then you’re shy 3 credits. AP DOES NOT count in the 24 graded credit hours because they aren’t graded. If you apply with less than that, it’s possible they will defer you for spring grades. If you’re only shy that one class and you have a 4.0, then they could see past it and accept you in January for the following Fall. Does this make sense?

Yes, but I was aware that if I had some of the courses done from ap on the required ones, that gives me credit for that class.

Credit for the course (since Mays said it would), but not credit towards the required 24 graded credits needed for transfer. Only dual credit counts towards that from high school.