May's Transfer Fall 2017

Hey guys, I want to ask everyone for some advice. I’m a Transfer from a local CC, I’ve completed almost all classes for undergrad asides the science. Those aren’t a concern since I’ve decided to take those at a local CC while attending A&M. My question here is what will our first round of classes look like? from the paper work that I’ve found online it seems that I’ll be missing, BUSN 101, ISYS 210, COMM 203or243, Finc 341 and MGMT 211 rather nervous on the course load for my first semester I want to graduate in Spring of 2019. Anyone have any experience with choosing first semester classes for May’s Transfer student? I’m a Finance major hoping to be able to get into both Aggies on Wall Street and Trade, Risk & Investment Certification program, any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ALOT guys.

I don’t know anything about transfers, but I’m a current student so I can add some insight. Busn 101 is freshman only so you won’t be taking that. MGMT 211 is a difficult time intensive class. Comm 203 or 243 is very difficult to get a spot in at A&M. Finc 341 I heard is hard but I don’t have any experience with it yet. Isys 210 isn’t hard at all, pretty easy A. Good luck!