meal plan

<p>I will be living off campus my freshman year. I would like to know if it would be worth it to buy a meal plan at LSU. What is your opinion of the meal plan.</p>

<p>It is required for all freshman who live on campus (i’m not sure about commuters) to have a meal plan. Some of my friends who currently are at LSU say that the Tiger Lite meal plan is the best way to go. The meal plan doesn’t roll over into the consecutive semester.</p>

<p>I was looking at the meal plan options for oncampus residents. It looks like the unlimited plan doesn’t cover weekends which seems strange. Are you on your own on the weekends?</p>

<p>The regular dining halls aren’t open on weekends. It’s brutal, probably the worst thing for an on campus student about LSU.</p>

<p>I had the unlimited last year and you get some Paw points (cash for dining use) and it can be used at the food court in the student union, which is open on the weekend. It’s not much though, so yes you will have to purchase food on the weekend with the unlimited eventually. Also pretty much pizza hut is all that is open on the weekends, especially at night. The pasta and sandwich place are open on weekend days. Unless there’s a football game, then I think everything’s open during the day.</p>

<p>The largest meal plan covers about 2 meals a day, which isn’t enough for someone like me who needs his food. I’ll go with it anyway this year and probably use cash towards the semester end. It’s a headache to keep track of meals though. I liked the unlimited because I could go in for something quick and not waste a meal.</p>

<p>It really is quite bad that they don’t have sufficient meal plans.</p>