Mech Engineering Majored

Hey I have few questions to ask. To start, I was accepted to Mech Engineering. What are some good dorms that I can register now for my major? I won’t have a car unfortunately. So, distance between dorms and buildings really do matter to me. Also, should I really register dorm until 30 days after my acceptance to the school(it’d be like mid Feb)? Do I get really bad conditioned dorms if I register later than that? Thank you!

I’m not sure about the dorms as I will be attending A&M next year as well. However, I do recommend registering for dorms within the 30 day timespan as I’ve heard dorms fill up quickly.

Mosher is really good south side as for north side, i would say go to hullabaloo.

@CHICHIL Yes, definitely apply within 30 days of your acceptance. Room assignments are based largely on priority date – which is defined as the date the housing application, including fee, is received. If you wait until after 30 days, you will likely get on campus housing but you most likely not have a choice in where you are placed.

You will not need a car on campus. All of the dorms are within walking distance (or skateboard/longboard, bike). There is also a large bus system for on campus and off campus.

You will need to have a way to get to campus from wherever you live and back.

Are you a transfer that was accepted into Mech E? Otherwise, if you are a freshman (though you put Mech E as your requested major) you are actually in the pool of general engineering and will apply to your preferred major during your second or third semester, depending on when you finish the minimum class requirements for doing so.

If you are a freshman, it really doesn’t where you live. You will walk all over campus for your first year classes. If you are a transfer, and prefer a dorm, and therefore, will be taking primarily engineering classes, you would enjoy Mosher Hall, as it is close to the buildings. The Commons building at Mosher (there are 4 dorms that make up the commons) will be open in fall after extensive renovations and a brand new dining hall.

You could also request Hullabaloo. It is the newest dorm and also very popular. It fills quickly by auto/academic admits who were admitted and completed their housing in the fall, as they will have earlier priority selection date. This late may not get you in but you can always have pick you next favorite dorm as your second choice.