Meetup at Bama Bound 5/31?

<p>Crimsonmom … wonderful! I’ll have my cell phone (and CC App) for updates. PM me and perhaps we can find at least some small time to meet. We’re arriving night of 7th and staying in a hotel. Then 2 nights in dorms until we head back to IL on Friday early morning. Very excited to visit again. Bringing a LONG list from my wife and son for the Supe to bring back with us! :-)</p>

<p>Also met the parents of a Naperville student who do not participate in this forum. The father liked the idea of starting a facebook page/group for the Chicago Far Western Suburb parents/students enough that he though he might attempt to create such a page.</p>

<p>Is there a facebook page for CBHP parents? </p>

<p>Dad - will pm you.</p>

<p>randomparent -
hope he lets us know - I’ll definitely join. Hard to believe there are even more Naperpudlians attending Alabama that we don’t know about!</p>


<p>He just added me to the facebook group he created under the title TIDE Pride.</p>

<p>We’re back from BB and daughter had a blast!! This speaks volumes since she isn’t the most social child (in other words, shy!). Every time we saw her, she was smiling. She went to the pool party even though she was exhausted!</p>

<p>Registration went well. She has to get an override for one class, Design II, but was told they needed to wait until the professor was posted. Once that is done she is good to go with a nice, balanced schedule.</p>

<p>Hubby was impressed by the friendliness of everyone there, as was I! </p>

<p>The only thing that could have made the experience a little better would have been cooler temps. This extreme heat has hit the state so early that we aren’t as acclimated as we might be in July. It kept us from wanting to explore much, but hope to do more in the fall.</p>

<p>I do have to mention that by getting lost at one point on the way home (I knew I was headed in the right direction, just not what street, etc.) we ended up smack dab in the middle of the tornado destruction. Even though we had a large tornado touch down less than 10 miles from our house, I have avoided going to see the destruction. Mostly out of respect for those affected, but also selfishly because I want to keep my head in the sand regarding the “possibilities”.</p>

<p>Anyways, seeing what we saw today was humbling, moving, and also uplifting. To see so many at work to help those affected. Our hotel had lots of FEMA workers there. I can’t imagine seeing that everyday and then returning to a hotel alone at night. A lot of respect here for all those that are helping. </p>

<p>Sorry about the ramble, just had to share with those that would understand :0)</p>

<p>ShamrockDad, I may have met you without realizing it was you. I remember the “very tall” and “grey hair” part. You should have mentioned “distinguished-looking,” too. :D</p>

<p>We met the parents of one of DS’s roommates-to-be. (Met the roommate, too, but just briefly; had a nice chat with the parents.) We also met the parents of a girl DS has been Facebook-corresponding with. (She’ll be in Blount.) Turns out the mom and I grew up within a few blocks of each other in Dorchester (Boston), Mass. Talk about the proverbial small world.</p>

<p>Last but certainly not least, we met NMfxcloud (I hope I am not mangling her CC nom de plume!) and her family. This was on the second day, after all the sessions, when we were all completely overwhelmed and exhausted.</p>

<p>Everyone we met was so wonderful. The UA kids are delightful – all so helpful and friendly.</p>

<p>DS is taking only 13 credits for Fall 2011. Guess he’ll be easing into college. :o Well, he’ll have two science classes (with labs) next year, so that will make up his two “missing” credits. His classes sound great, and he’s psyched.</p>

<p>Now on to the next hurdle: getting him all packed and ready. Man, we will miss him so much. Waaaah.</p>

<p>LadyDianeski - My wife is still laughing at the ‘distinguished-looking’ line. Maybe next time we will officially meet up.</p>

<p>Both of DD’s had a good time. The youngest was in the sibling program. They did a scavenger hunt, went in the locker rooms, rec center, and made a picture cd of their adventure to take home. My oldest made several new friends already and won an upgrade to unlimited meals from the dining hall. We met several nice people and talked about how we should compare notes in four years and see how many times our kids changed majors.</p>