Memorizing Lots of Words

<p>Hi everyone.</p>

<p>I am trying to memorize the two direct hits volumes and the words from rocket review. How do you guys memorize these words so quickly? I read that people could memorizes 100 or even 200 words per day. How do you go about memorizing everything? Not just for sats, memorizing things in school too.</p>


<p>Extreme focus and lots and lots of time. It’s not something you can just do in your “spare time”. You’ve gotta just lock yourself away and really dedicate yourself to it.</p>

<p>Make flash cards and quiz yourself whenever you have a spare moment – on the bus, during TV commercials, while you’re brushing your teeth.</p>

<p>Good luck with your studying!</p>

<p>yeah if you really wanted to and spent the entire day, it’s easily (fine maybe not easy), but possible to memorize the entire thing (both volumes) in 1 day considering you’re not really memorizing a lot because you will probably already know half the words</p>

<p>100 words a day would be a bit much. I seriously doubt those words would make it into your long-term memory. Just do what’s manageable and don’t stress over it.</p>

<p>i know. i memorize them and forget them in 3-5 days. :frowning: </p>

<p>and theres too many to make flashcards for them all :frowning: im too lazy and its tedious and boring</p>

<p>many? compared to the barrons, its really very few</p>

<p>Flash cards. I’m able to memorize at least 50 at a time.</p>

<p>^same here - Flashcards ftw</p>

<p>what lists do you guys use?</p>

<p>i’m working with direct hits, pr hit parade, rocketreview core and sparknotes 1000 before the december SAT. that should be enough right?</p>

<p>How much does knowing alot of vocab help??</p>

<p>I missed 4 sent complet so if I memorize a lot of vocab…and only miss 1 sent complet…that could really boost my CR score huh?</p>

<p>I am only using one book, Word Smart (PR). You really don’t need to learn that much vocab unless your current vocabulary kinda sucks. PR has a great hit rate so it’s one of the better lists from everything I read before getting it, and it’s been no problem tackling the list. Less is more!!</p>

<p>Haha yeah my vocab kinda sucks. I should really start memorizing some words then!</p>

<p>Ok I think I’ll make flashcards for them all. I’ll see how it goes :slight_smile: If anyone has any other ideas please post them.</p>

<p>I memorized the words from rocket review by kind if doing what Arachnotron said. :D</p>

<p>3-4 hours x 3 days</p>

<p>I can usually memorize a few hundred words in about an hour…if I’m actually concentrating.</p>

<p>If you’re like me and a guilty procrastinator (like spending time on CC instead of studying lmao), try to put yourself in places where you have nothing to do besides read your vocab book. I take the train instead of getting a ride with my friends sometimes so I know I will have a solid hour to study, for example. It helps lol</p>