"Men who express concerns about women are whiners or misogynists"

<p>i agree about the 2nd wave... feminism means men and women are equal.</p>

<p>Hehe, I like the crazy biatch thing :)</p>

<p>It really is a shame that feminism has such a bad wrap these days. The crazy biatches need to realize that being that extreme is just as bad if not worse than what they're fighting against. </p>

<p>Men are cool, too...especially certain ones :) hehe</p>

<p>I agree... "man-hating" feminists are just as bad as misogynists. social equality is hard enough to work towards... esp. because it relies so much on people's perceptions.</p>

<p>I'm a classical feminist.</p>

<p>Girls: Rush Limbaugh, uninformed and dumb though he is, didn't take "feminazi" out of thin air - Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnon are PRIME examples.</p>

<p>Well, there's always been something a bit inconsistent with feminism, especially radical feminism which had its beginnings in the WKKK. </p>

<p>I think all three generations (it's been three, right?) of feminism have their place. Alot of the opponents of feminism like to poke holes in their viewpoints, and some of them are worth it, but most of the time it's just to cover for the fact that a lot of men only want to see women as being maternal or objects of their affection. That's like, historic. Women as their "equals" (meaning that they have stereotypically masculine flaws; flaws like overly aggressive, piggishness, egotistic, prideful) isn't something most men want even now. </p>

<p>It's like men expect[ed] feminism to stop right at "equality." Men, contemporarily and historically, could revel in the excesses of money and women and power and wealth and status...but women were supposed to be happy with the idealized notion of equality while still fulfilling the traditional role as mother and wife; a milquetoast, saintly, obliging homemaker.</p>

<p>And if they ever did want excess, even a little bit of it, they were lying liars who lied! They were damaged goods. They weren't worth equal status. They never were. </p>

<p>It's funny how men tout sucking it up and dealing with it as being the most defining traits of masculinity, yet when it comes to feminism, they constantly expect feminism to keep reforming and contradicting itself just to massage their egos and please the masses. It's sad. For men, when it comes to men, it's a question of ethics and morals. When it comes to women, it's not only a question of morals and ethics, but also a question of validity and worth.</p>

<p>BUT I WILL SAY to those people who said they don't see why feminism has become the "F" word that not only have the Dworkins and Mackinnons of the world turned it into that, but also the likes of you can't debate gender-related topics without name-calling, smartass comments, and ridiculous refutations just to not be outdone. In other words, you contribute to the disparaging of the word, too.</p>

<p>bumping this up...</p>

<p>why on earth would u do such a thing</p>