Merit $ Binghamton?

I am an instate resident - applying as in incoming freshman for the 19/20 academic year - female - 100.9 Weighted, 94.3 unweighted GPA; 34 superscore ACT, many EC - would I likely receive additional merit $?

It will depend on your SAT scores. NYS uses them to equalize the high schools. You will also get $$ if you are considered an underserved student. I know a freshman who is there on a “multicultural scholarship.” She is Indian but born in the USA and I can’t think of a more typical American teenager. So…there are ways.

I had extremely similar scores and didn’t get anything.

They are notorious for not giving merit unless you are out of state. All of the people who go to Binghamton have good stats unfortunately. If you need merit from a SUNY school many of the other ones do give merit.

No,but you may get into the honors program and they will give you a $5,000 stipend to travel abroad. At least that is what my child received last year.

They do not give money. I do believe SUNY Buffalo, May give you something small.

University at Buffalo would likely give you $3-5 k a year… not small to me but YMMV.
You may want to apply to Bing just in case there is merit, but consider UB as well.

My daughter was accepted to the scholars program and did not receive merit. My friends son… from out of state and lower scores etc… received $7,000.

When do invitations for the scholars program start to go out? Do they coincide with acceptance in December/January or do they all go out later in the spring?